Page 57 of The Surrogate

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“I think we found your superpower.”

“Yeah.” He exhaled. “Anyway, I’m glad you called.”


“I wanted to apologize if I seemed a bit freaked out today. The ultrasound was…a lot. And once again, I neglected to ask howyou’redoing in all this. I’m sorry for that.”

“There’s no need to apologize. Your reaction was to be expected. I can’t imagine what you were thinking.” I settled deeper into the mattress.

“It was amazing to see that life inside of you.” Sig paused. “These past few weeks, I’d fallen back into pretending it wasn’t happening. I don’t have to tell you how absent I’ve been. But after today, I know I can’t pretend anymore. I can’t pretend that little beating heart doesn’t exist. And I won’t react like that again. There’s no excuse for my absence lately.” He sighed. “But today after the appointment…I just needed some time to process.”

“And you figured you’d do that by shagging some broad from the Internet?”

“I have a strange way of handling things sometimes.”

“Don’t worry. I get it. And I wasn’t offended.”

“Are you happy here, Abby?”

My eyes widened in surprise. “I am, actually. More than I thought I’d be.”

“No thanks to me, though.”

“Well, you did bring me Devil Dogs. That’s a major point in your column.”

“I’d been searching for them ever since you told me you were wanting them.”

That gave me goose bumps. “Where did you find them?”

“I just happened to see them in the shop attached to the petrol station where I stopped to fill up tonight. Imagine that? Maybe the universe was telling me what an arse I was today and showing me a way to make it better. So I turned around and drove back to the inn to drop them off. You’d already left for Felicity’s.”

“Well, I’m gonna put them in the fridge and have them for breakfast tomorrow.”

“Ah, breakfast of champions.”

“Crap. I don’t have milk, though.”

“Yes, you do.”

“I do?”

“Go look in the fridge.”

“Really? You bought me milk, too?”

“You said you eat them with ice-cold milk. So I picked some up.”

“Wow. I’m amazed that you remembered that.”

“Onions have a good memory.”

I smiled. “It’s nice to talk to you again, Sig. I’ve missed your snark and your sense of humor. I thought I’d scared you away.”

“Scared me away? Why?”

“The night I stayed at your apartment, you sort of went quiet after I told you about mysymptom.” My voice quivered. “I wondered if you thought I was insinuating something. You know, coming on to you.”

“I didn’t think that at all. But you disappeared into the bedroom so fast after you announced it, I’m not sure how you could gauge my reaction.”
