Page 65 of The Surrogate

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“You weren’t supposed to see that,” Sig said.

“I figured as much.” Sean nodded.

I swallowed, waiting.

“Abby is a surrogate for my biological child, conceived using my deceased wife’s egg,” Sig explained. “Abby is working here while she’s in the UK for the surrogacy.”

Sean’s jaw dropped as he looked over at me again. “Holy shit.”

I forced some words out. “We hadn’t come up with a plan for how to handle things or what to tell people once I couldn’t hide it anymore. We were trying to keep it private for now, especially since it’s so early. I’ve been trying to live my life in the meantime.”

“I would appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone until we’re ready to figure that out,” Sig told him.

“Of course,” Sean assured us.

“I’m sorry for not being up front about this,” I said. “I didn’t feel like it was fully my right to divulge.”

Sean shook his head. “No apologies, but I mean, I’m blown away. I can understand why you didn’t say anything.”

Sig’s mood was hard to read. He stood suddenly. “I don’t have much more to say here, except that I appreciate your discretion.”

Sean nodded. “You got it, boss.”

“Cheers, then.” Sig’s eyes moved to mine. “Have a good lunch.”

He’d started to walk out when I lifted my finger toward Sean. “One second.” Leaving him sitting there, I followed Sig out of the conference room. “Sig,” I called after him.

He turned. “Yeah?”

“I’m sorry that happened.”

He pursed his lips. “It is what it is.”


“We shouldn’t talk about it here, okay?” He looked over his shoulder and lowered his voice.

I looked down at my shoes. “Of course.”

He made his way swiftly down the hall toward the elevators, and I returned to the conference room where Sean was waiting.

He smacked his hands together. “Well, file that under things I didn’t expect to hear today.” He smiled, but I could tell he was uncomfortable.

“I know. I can’t imagine what you’re thinking right now.”

“How did this come about? I mean…why you?”

I took a seat across from him. “I’m a friend of Sig’s wife Britney’s family. I volunteered to be the surrogate after her parents indicated they wanted to use her eggs to conceive a grandchild. It’s the only reason I’m here in the UK. I know I told you I’d moved here to be closer to a friend. I’m sorry I wasn’t completely honest, but I didn’t want to say anything until Sig was ready. You know how people talk around here.”

“Makes sense.”

I fidgeted with my purse strap. “I’ll understand if you want to skip lunch.”

“Of course not. We still need to eat, right? And now that I know you’re eating for two, lunch is even more important.” He winked.

My stomach growled. “Iampretty famished.”

“Let’s get out of here,” he said, flashing a megawatt smile.
