Page 75 of The Surrogate

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“I could do a full English or something sweet like pancakes.”

“Mmm…” She licked her lips, causing my dick to stand at attention again. “Pancakes sound great.”

“Have you had pancakes here yet?”

She shook her head.

“They’re different than in the States. They’re thinner and bigger. We don’t make them as fluffy. And we roll them.”

“Kind of like a crepe?”

I brushed my thumb along her cheek. “Kind of like that, yeah.”

She shut her eyes briefly.

I want to stay.But instead of giving into the need to climb into her bed and wrap my arms around her, I stood. “See you in the morning.”

“Okay,” she muttered. “See ya.”

As I stepped out of the room, I stopped to compose myself. Then I tiptoed down the hallway. Unfortunately, my giant feet failed me, because just as I passed Lavinia’s room, her door opened.

I froze. “Can I help you?”

“Oh no. I don’t need anything.” She smirked. “From what I can hear, your cup is full enough already.”

Shit.“Youheardnothing, crazy woman. Got it?”

“Your secret’s safe with me.” She winked before closing the door.


Once in bed, I tossed and turned, unable to stop thinking about what Abby and I had done, what wedidn’tdo, and what I stillwantedto do. I attempted to shift my focus by considering the pancakes I planned to make for breakfast tomorrow. I imagined all sorts of toppings as I made a virtual shopping list in my head.

But as life would have it, that breakfast would never end up happening.



Track 29: “Goodbye for Now” by P.O.D.

My nipples were stiff when I woke this morning, and I had an uncontrollable ache between my legs. While the orgasm Sig had given me last night was even better than the first, it wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy the need that only grew within me with each bit of contact we had. I longed for Sig as if he were an ocean away instead of just down the hall.

It hadn’t surprised me that he didn’t want to spend the night in my room. He probably knew we wouldn’t be able to stop ourselves from taking things further. I also suspected spending the night in my bed might’ve been too much for him. It would’ve crossed the line he’d drawn when he made it clear I couldn’t fall for him—which was the same as admitting he could never love me.

I looked over at my phone to find a text from him.

Sig: Heading to the supermarket. Didn’t want you to wake and forget I was making breakfast and instead assume I’d escaped to London without saying goodbye. I know I sometimes do that. But I’m not running this time. Well, except to buy stuff to make you pancakes. See you soon. P.S. Lavinia heard us last night. So if you get up before I get back, she might give you a look or something. That woman couldn’t keep her nose where it belongs if her life depended on it. P.P.S. Last night was fun.

Smiling from ear to ear, I put the phone back on my bedside table. I could hear downstairs that Sig was already back. Just as I was about to get dressed and head down, my phone rang.

When I saw that it was a Rhode Island number I didn’t recognize, I rushed to answer. “Hello?”

“Abby? It’s Doris Gray.”

Doris Gray was my dad’s neighbor. My stomach dropped.

“Your dad was just rushed to the hospital. I think he might’ve had a heart attack. He gave me your number in case of an emergency.”
