Page 11 of The Roommate

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He chuckles and lightly bites my shoulder. “Open.”

I open my eyes, and he holds two pieces of tickets in front of me. I struggle to read what’s on them, and when I do, heat radiates through my chest. With an upturned face, I grin at him before launching myself into his arms.

The way his arms automatically go around me and his laugh make my whole world tilt on its axis.

My chest cracks open, and an emotion I never thought I’d feel simmers just beneath the surface. It scares me. I don’t even want to acknowledge it. I don’t even want to spare another second thinking about it.

“Mika, this is so amazing! How much do I owe you?”

He looks both confused and a little offended. “No, doll. It’s my gift. You said you’ve never seen them play live. This is your chance. I’ll be with you, so you won’t have to think about stampedes and all those scary shits. No one can harm you as long as I’m around.”

With Mika, I feel like I don’t need to think about much. I know he’s going to take care of things, and I just need to sit back and relax. That has never happened to me before. The feeling catches me off guard. It’s like I woke up in a different body, someone with an entirely different life than the one I’m used to.

I’ve lived every day for myself, which is why I’m confused about these weird visions of having kids with Mika. We haven’t even put a label on us yet. Are we still roommates? Lovers? Temporary lovers? Casually dating? Exclusively dating? Fuck buddies?

What happens when I move out? Will we still keep in touch? Or will he move on and find someone else? Someone younger and hotter? The thought of him with anyone other than me causes a burning sensation in my stomach.

What’s going on with me? Why am I so obsessed with him?

“You okay, Max? You look … Well, you don’t look excited.” His forehead furrows, concern and worry etched across his handsome features.

Mika may be a giant, but he’s pretty gentle—with his words, his touches. He’s also annoyingly observant, which is probably why he’s a good nurse. He notices and sees everything.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.” I shake my head and step away from him. I need some space to breathe. The emotions swirling within me are in danger of suffocating the life out of me. Everything’s happening too fast, and I’m not sure I can keep up.

“I-I can’t do this, Mika.” I turn my back on him, unable to look him in the eye. If that makes me a coward, then so be it.

“What do you mean, Max? The concert?”

“N-no.” I swallow back a sob and turn to face him. Pointing to him and me, I sigh. “Us. I can’t do this. We need to stop.”

Mika crosses his arms across his broad chest. “You’ve said that a million times already.”

“I don’t even know what we are.”

“You’re mine. That’s it. No one touches you except me.”

“What if Mindy finds out?”

“So what if she does? She’s my aunt. She doesn’t get to dictate how I want to live my life. ”

“She’s my friend, Mika.”

“If she is, then she’ll understand. We’re not doing anything wrong. She knows me. She’ll know I’m good for you.”

Frustration fills me, and I pace the floor to let out my nervous energy. “You don’t understand.”

“Then help me. Tell me what’s bothering you.”

Mika takes a step forward, but I raise a hand to stop him. My resolve is as weak as wet cardboard because I feel it waver whenever my gaze meets his.

“We’re not compatible. We don’t make sense as a couple.”

His chuckle is dark and has a biting edge to it. “Really? Says who?”

“Mika, you’re 27! You have your whole life ahead of you. In five years, I’m going to be 40. I’ll start getting gray hair before you, wrinkles around my?—”

“You’re right. We’re incompatible.”
