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“I’m a simple guy,” I said. “I like meat and potatoes and a cold beer at the end of the workday.”

A crease formed between her eyebrows as she tried to work out what the hell I was talking about. I couldn’t blame her. It didn’t make much sense to me either.

“I say what I mean and mean what I say,” I continued. “If something’s bothering me, I’ll tell you.”

She was still staring at me, but her icy demeanor had warmed. This was closer to the Tinley I’d gotten to know at dinner.

“I’m scared,” she said, lowering her arms. She’d manage to put on her bra and panties in the short time since we’d made love. “When you were upset you didn’t use protection?—”

“You assumed I was stressing that I might end up with a baby,” I finished for her. “But it was the opposite. I’d love to know I’d just gotten you pregnant.”

She still didn’t move. It sure would be nice if I could figure out how she felt about all this.

“The problem is, I don’t know how you’d feel about that.” I grabbed my underwear and pulled them on. “You said you’re leaving town.”

“Maybe I could stick around.” She shrugged. “If, you know, I had a good reason.”

I hated to get my hopes up, but a smile threatened to break through. “I think I could make it worth your while.”

“I know you could.”

And then she came toward me—lunging, really. Her shirt was tossed to the side and my arms were around her in seconds. But before we could start things up again, I made a suggestion.

“Let’s take it to my bedroom.”



The obnoxious screech of my phone alarm pierced the silence. I automatically looked to my right before realizing I wasn’t in my sister’s guest bedroom. No, this was a different bedroom altogether.

My phone was to my left. I snatched it up and silenced it, hoping I hadn’t woken Aiden. Nobody wanted to get up this early.

Smiling, I pushed myself out of bed. My clothes were in the living room. We’d undressed there, barely making it to bed before he was inside me.

Smiling at the memory, I started around the end of the bed, heading toward the bathroom. I stopped midway, though.

The bed was empty. I smelled bacon. Was he cooking?

I glanced at the bedside clock, verifying that it was ridiculously early. Only people who had to get up and sell coffee were awake at this hour. Still smiling, I continued to the bathroom, then wrapped a towel around myself to go to the living room.

I felt out of sorts…until I walked into the living room and saw him over at the stove in the kitchen. He was my safety.

Funny how quickly that had happened. Twenty-four hours ago, I’d just seen him as one of the guys on the logging crew. And now I couldn’t imagine life without him.

“You’re up.” He turned, a big smile on his face. “I couldn’t sleep, and I was hungry.”

He was so adorable. And sexy. And amazing in every way. I was falling in love.

Grandma Rose was right. That sweetheart muffin was one delicious matchmaker.

“Coffee?” he asked.

He stepped away from the stove, leaving everything sizzling away. I nodded, still dazed. So much was happening so fast, my mind was spinning.

“How do you like it?” he asked.

I walked over to the stools that were in front of the counter behind him. Climbing up on one, I said, “Sweet.”
