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“I love you both more than words can say,” Adrian murmurs, his voice thick with emotion, sealing our bond as a family with his words of love and commitment.

In this hospital room, our universe has expanded, welcoming Molly with open hearts and open arms, embarking on this new journey together with love as our guide.

The love I feel for them is boundless, reshaping every thought, every priority.

As I gaze down at Molly, then up at Adrian, I realize the depth of my joy in building a life with the man I love, in being a mother to this beautiful soul we’ve brought into the world together.



One week later…

The living room is abuzz with a new kind of energy, a mix of joy and wonderment, as Lily steps through the door, her excitement barely contained.

“Oh my goodness, look at her!” Lily gasps as Emma gently passes our daughter into her arms. There’s a reverence in her touch, a gentle understanding of the precious life she now holds.

“She’s absolutely beautiful, you guys did good,” she marvels, her eyes meeting ours with a sparkle of unshed tears.

Emma leans back against the couch, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. “She’s okay, isn’t she?” Her voice is laced with a newfound serenity, the anxiety and fear that once clouded her happiness now seemingly a distant memory. “We’re kind of attached to the little sprout.”

Lily, ever the doting aunt, nods emphatically. “I’m officially her favorite aunt. Sorry, I don’t make the rules,” she declares, eliciting laughter from us both. “And I will be spoiling her rotten, just so you know.”

Matteo appears, his presence commanding yet cautious as he steps into the room.

There’s an immediate shift, a subtle but unmistakable change in the air as those around him acknowledge his arrival with a mix of respect and anticipation. My lieutenants step aside as he walks toward us.

“Matteo, come meet the little one,” I beckon, my voice filled with pride. There’s a softness to his demeanor, a side seldom seen by others, as he approaches.

He looks down at our daughter, a gentle smile touching his lips.

“She’s got her mother’s eyes,” he observes, accepting Emma’s invitation to hold her with a reverence that belies his rugged exterior.

“And she’ll have her father’s protection,” he adds. “Hopefully not his temper.”

“Watch yourself,” I say in a deep rumble. “You’re in charge of things in New York, that’s all. Don’t let it go to your head.”

He approaches Molly cautiously, as if afraid to disturb her. “Never thought I’d see the day,” he admits, his usual gruffness softened by the moment.

Emma smiles, offering him a chance to hold her. “It’s okay, she won’t bite,” she teases gently, her ease and warmth inviting Matteo to be part of this new chapter in our lives.

He takes her in his arms, leaning toward me, his voice low, ensuring our conversation remains private amongst the coos and soft laughter.

“Charles’s body turned up,” he murmurs. “Well, bits of it did.” The news, though grim, doesn’t surprise me; it’s a reminder of the life we’ve left behind, of the sacrifices made to ensure our present safety and happiness.

Before I can respond, Lily interjects with a change of topic.

“You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about New York lately,” she starts, her enthusiasm undimmed. “I love it there. Maybe I should consider moving, make a fresh start in the Big Apple?”

“You’d leave me with this big ape?” Emma asks. “How could you?”

“I think you’ll cope all right. Plus, it means I can bring gifts whenever I come back.”

“Fine, but you’re my first employee.”

Lily grins. “You mean, you’ve set it up?”

“Rose Coding is in business.”
