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“It’s like what, a week since you gave birth? How did you do it?”

I step forward. “The big ape helped.”

“Can you believe how much has changed since this all started?” Lily muses, her gaze moving from Emma to me and then to the baby in Matteo’s arms. “Did you ever think your coding project would get you a baby and a husband?”

“Worked it into the first lines,” Emma replies with a laugh. “Always know the outcome before you start, right Adrian?”

“Right,” I reply. “Couldn’t have put it better myself.”



Five years later…

Molly’s concentration is palpable as she tackles the latest challenge in the latest computer coding game we’ve found for her.

Her passion for coding fills me with an indescribable sense of pride.

“Okay, Molly, let’s see if you can solve this next part. It’s a bit tricky, but I think you’ve got it,” I encourage, pointing to the glowing screen of her tablet. Her small fingers move with surprising dexterity.

From the doorway, Adrian watches us, a content smile playing on his lips. “Looks like she’s going to outdo us both soon,” he remarks, his voice tinged with pride and amazement at our daughter’s quick learning.

Molly pauses to look up at us, her eyes sparkling with excitement and a hint of youthful ambition. “Did you hear that, Mommy? Daddy thinks I’m going to be better than both of you! Maybe when I’m big, I can go work with Aunty Lily in New York on those big projects she always talks about.”

Her enthusiasm brings laughter from my lips, and I pull her into a hug, her energy infectious. “That sounds like a plan, my little coding genius. But remember, Aunty Lily only takes girls on who brush their teeth at night.”

“But I do brush my teeth.”

“Oh, then you should be all right to work with her then, shouldn’t you?”

Adrian moves to sit beside us on the floor, his eyes meeting mine over Molly’s head. There’s a depth of emotion there, a reflection of the journey we’ve been through together.

“Emma, look at what we’ve built,” he says softly, his hand finding mine, a touch that still sends shivers down my spine even after all these years.

“Our little family, safe and thriving. Your business is booming, and I... Well, I’m just glad I’m not looking over my shoulder anymore. We’ve really made a new life for ourselves here.”

I nod, squeezing his hand back. “You cheesy son of a-”

He puts a finger to my lips. “Wonderful person?” he says.

“Yeah, that was it.”

Molly is oblivious to the depth of our conversation, tugging at my sleeve, bringing me back to the present. “Mommy, look! I did it! I solved it!” she exclaims, her face alight with the thrill of victory.

Adrian and I lean in, our heads coming together as we celebrate another small victory, a moment of joy in the life we’ve carefully constructed. “That’s my girl,” I say, pride swelling in my chest as Adrian wraps an arm around us both.

* * *

The sun sets as Adrian chops logs out back while Molly sleeps under the watchful eyes of our nanny.

As I watch him working, sweat glistening on his muscles as he expertly swings the ax, I feel a surge of arousal. I am reminded once again why I fell for this enigmatic and alluring man.

With trembling resolve, I turn to him, my voice quivering yet filled with determination. “I... I need to go,” I confess, the words escaping my lips like a whispered secret.

His piercing gaze meets mine, and for a fleeting moment, it seems as though he understands the depths of my desires.

A small, enigmatic smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he lowers the ax and walks towards me with a deliberate pace.
