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“We’ll figure it out. We have to,” I said.

To me it was as simple as that. I wanted to be with Sydney. We would figure out how to live and work in two different cities and still see each other. It might not be easy but I didn’t expect it to be.

“You know she chose the school district she is in because it’s close to our parents.”

“I figured as much. Didn’t she have offers from other districts that would have paid her more?” I asked.

“Yes, with rich shitty students. She doesn’t care about the money nor does she want to work with stuck up parents. She’s happy where she is, she isn’t going to want to move,” Alison said.

“I didn’t think she would. Did you think I would make her change districts to be with me?”

“It usually is the woman who moves for a relationship not the man. You do have a thriving medical practice. It wouldn’t be smart for you to move.”

“Neither one of us should have to.”

“The commute during rush hour can be up to two hours. You only go and see Syd on the weekends when it takes you twenty minutes. Neither of you is going to like being stuck in traffic for that long. You certainly aren’t if you’re staying with her.”

“I’ll make it work,” I said.

“Can you? You hate to be stuck in traffic.”

“What are you getting at?” I asked.

“I’m just saying, one of you is going to have to move. I don’t see Sydney wanting to move nor will Dawn be happy about Sydney being so far away from her. Especially if there are grandkids to be seen.”

“Kids. I like the idea of that.” I smiled as I imagined what my and Sydney’s kids would look like. They were gorgeous, smart, and kind, just like their mother.

“You’re so gone. And you have spent the better part of the week trying to get Dawn to see you as more than a playboy doctor. It hasn’t worked. You need to do something big. Something that shows to both Dawn and Sydney that you truly mean it when you say you love her.”

“How do you know I’m in love with Syd?” I whispered.

“You wouldn’t be doing half the shit you’re doing if you didn’t. It’s a complete shift to have you were even six months ago, even six weeks ago. Dawn is going to need to see something big, something huge. What could be bigger than you moving to be with Sydney?”

“It would require me to either move my practice or go to a different one. Or I could have two locations,” I contemplated.

“You have been thinking about expanding,” Alison reminded me.

“It would require some work but I could get more people to work for me. I had some other doctors wanting to. We could get a medical group going. It would be good to have two or even more locations. If I had other people working with me, I could spend more time with Syd and the kids,” I said as I thought aloud the logistics.

“Wow, look at you planning a future. It could work for you and it could be the thing that Dawn needs to see to know you are serious about her only child.”

“I would need to make a few phone calls. It’s not something I could do right away.”

“It’s the thought that counts, or at least the promise of you doing it. You might want to mention it to her.”

“I could do that. I don’t want to say anything to Sydney. She would only freak out or try to talk me out of it. It’s a good idea. I want to do it.”

“See, you keep me around for a reason,” Alison said with a smile.

“For many. Thanks for the advice and the help.”

“I want you and Syd together. Whatever way I can help, I will do.”

As the show ended, we stood up and applauded. I looked over at Sydney who gave me a slow smile. I looked next to her at her mother who was scowling at me. She definitely knew what was going on and it was past time I told her what my intentions were with her daughter.

Chapter 20

