Page 14 of Cold-Hearted King

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“Apparently. That doesn’t give you the right to purposely and willfully beat a stranger to within an inch of his life.” He gave a hefty deep sigh, shaking his head.

“Exaggerate much? You’re not bleeding. You’re not unconscious. You’re talking. You’re fine.”

“Ouch,” he said as he placed his other hand against the back of his head. That caused me to roll my eyes, but at the same time I was shivering from the feeling of him. “My head is killing me. Let’s face it, you assaulted me, Red. I could press charges.”

The man was fucking with me. He had to be. A split second later, I realized his cock was rock hard. “You’re completely turned on by this… calamity. You’re not hurt, buster. You’re just playing me. Well, I’m not buying.” I managed to drive my palm against his shoulder, almost knocking him off.

Having none of it, he yanked both my arms over my head, somehow managing to grasp both my wrists with one hand.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” My demand was followed by a huff.

“Did anyone ever tell you that you’re adorable when you scrunch your nose?”

Oh, yeah. The bastard was enjoying this. “Get off me.”

“Not until you apologize and mean it.”

“Not a chance in hell, slick.”

He frowned, the bastard actually shifting his hips back and forth. Darn it. I was as aroused as before, even able to gather a single whiff of the desire I felt floating between us. That meant he could too. Where was my resolve? Where were my morals and standards? Obviously, I’d left them at home.

“Well, then I guess I’m going to need to contact the sheriff. I assume you have one in this town. Oh, that’s right. You do. How could I forget given I saved your life earlier today.”

“For what? And you didn’t save my life.” I was highly insulted, even if my stomach was churning from the possibility he wasn’t kidding. Given the petty larceny charge I’d incurred a bazillion years before, I doubted my version of the truth would be believed. Oh, God. This was bad, so bad. Britta’s father could then use the new arrest to make good on his threat to take my baby away from me. No. Oh, God, no.

“For assaulting someone, of course.”

“You can’t do that.”

“I can and I will if absolutely necessary.”

“There has to be some way I can make it up to you.”

He pulled away, releasing my hands but the way he looked into my eyes was far too telling.

“Oh, hell, no. I don’t know what impression I gave you, but I’m not a whore. I will not sleep with you. Just call the sheriff. I’m certain he’ll be understanding.”

I could swear the man had a smirk on his face as if he was completely amused. When he rose to his knees, I remained where I was, studying him intently. No, he didn’t look like he was hurt in the least. Fuck the man. He was toying with me, embodying the asshole I’d believed him to be in the first place.

All men were pigs. Yep. I’d formed that opinion years ago and planned on sticking to it.

“No, Red. I can tell you aren’t and that’s not what I meant at all. You might think I’m a jerk, but I assure you that I’ve never paid for sex, including from extortion or blackmail.”

I wanted to believe him but at this point, I wasn’t certain of anything. When he helped me to my feet, I couldn’t help myself, glaring at him as if he was an enemy.

“Then what the hell do you mean?”

Mr. City Slicker raked his hand through his rich cinnamon hair, and I found myself weak in the knees. Oh, I hated myself for thinking of him as anything but a jerk.

“What do I mean?” He took a few seconds, pacing the floor, rubbing his jaw as he nodded a few times. “Well, you do need punishment for your horrible deed.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, keeping the nasty look on my face. “Go on. Let’s hear it.”

“Well. Let me think.” For emphasis, he rubbed the back of his head again. I’d had just about enough, prepared to contact the sheriff myself. “I know what’s perfect for you and might be a good reminder of how you should handle yourself in the future.” He lifted his head, walking toward me as if he was the dominating force in the room.

Suddenly, my fingers were itching to grab my bat. “Spit it out. I don’t have all night.”

“A spanking.”
