Page 15 of Cold-Hearted King

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The two little words were said quickly but I wasn’t certain I heard them right. After all, no one used corporal punishment like that any longer. Parents could get sued, school systems shut down. “What did you say?”

“You heard me. We can either handle this with you submitting to a good, very stern old-fashioned spanking or I’ll be forced to contact the authorities.”

I know my mouth was open wide enough if we had flies in the joint, they’d zoom right on in. “You’re out of your mind.”

“Some of my business associates would agree with you but I assure you, not about this. I think it’s a fair deal. I spank you with my belt or you go to jail. This is a free country, so the choice is up to you.”

I narrowed my eyes, staring at him as if his skin had just turned green and I was allowed to see he was really an alien. “You’re serious.”

“I am. It might be exactly what you need, although from your constant bad behavior, I have the distinct feeling you could use several spankings a week. However, we’ll start with one. Maybe not being able to sit comfortably for a couple days will be the beginning of anger management for you.”

Oh. My. God. The fucker was really serious. “No.”

“Okay.” He immediately pulled out his cell phone, sliding his finger across the screen. I watched as he appeared to be pressing buttons and reached out, snatching the phone from his hand.

“No. Don’t.”

He lifted his eyebrows, giving me an authoritative look before holding out his arm, beckoning for his phone with his fingers. “Does that mean you’ll accept your punishment?”

The sexy stranger was nuts. What the hell was I supposed to do? I studied him for a few seconds, realizing he really wasn’t kidding. This was insane. No one did this kind of thing. Maybe I was wrong depending on where he came from. My mind was spinning out of control, thoughts about losing Britta driving a stake through my heart. I couldn’t lose my little girl. I just couldn’t.


“Is that a yes?”


“Not good enough,” Slick stated. “You need to have more respect.”

Who the hell was this dude kidding? “Well, fine. Then yes, sir. I’ll be happy to be treated like a child. After that, you’re going to get the hell out of my goddamn bar, or I will be the one contacting the sheriff since you’ll be trespassing.”

Another look of sheer amusement crossed his face, and it was all I could to keep from scratching out his eyes.

“You should watch your mouth, Red, or I’ll be forced to wash it out with soap.”

I’d never been so befuddled by a man in my entire life. He was infuriating, partially because he was completely aware of how much control he was in. It was nuts and I was a crazy girl for considering honoring his demand.

But at this point, I refused to risk what little control I had over my life. “So get it over with. Am I supposed to lie over your lap while you do this?”

“Not so fast, Red. First, you’re going to lower your jeans and panties. After that, you’re going to lean over the bar.”

“I beg your pardon?” This man was one hundred percent insane if he thought I was going to drop my jeans for a spanking for any man.

He pointed toward the bar. At least he was no longer smirking. “I am serious. You agreed to this.”

Yes, I had, much to my chagrin. I backed away from him, horrified as he started to unfasten his belt. Nothing could be more embarrassing than this ridiculous moment. Yes, I’d been the one to put myself in this nightmare, but he was playing the situation with gusto. At least after tonight I’d never be forced to see him again. I meant what I’d said. He was banned from my bar forever.

I spun around, controlling my breathing as I walked closer to the bar. I couldn’t watch the atrocity of him removing his belt or even stare at his handsome face any longer. Especially when I had murderous feelings about him. I could not believe I was agreeing to this. This was not who I was as a woman.

You have no other choice.

Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. The saving grace of being able to toss the brooding tourist out on his rear meant more to me than the humiliation of being spanked by a stranger.

On my bare bottom!


Brooding definitely described the big, strong, strapping guy with the chiseled jaw and the kind of arms that could save and protect. What was I thinking? So he was good looking. So were half the men in town. Okay, so maybe I was lying to myself. There wasn’t a single man in Montrose who could hold a candle to this guy.
