Page 53 of Cold-Hearted King

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Because the single time I’d stood up to my father only two months before I’d been sent to my grandfather’s had resulted in being forced to watch Jackson being beaten the way my father had done to me on numerous occasions and to hear my mother being abused as well. I’d learned my lesson then.

I allowed the engine to idle, which should give her some comfort I wasn’t going to attempt to come inside.

“Thank you for showing me around,” I told her as soon as she opened the door.

She hesitated but couldn’t seem to look me in the eye. “I hope you’ll take the time the ranch and the employees deserve to really understand the power of what your grandfather provided to everyone. They really are good people, just a little rough around the edges.”

“I will. That much I can promise you.”

She grabbed her purse, immediately pulling her keys into her hand before closing the door. I thought it only gentlemanly to wait, although I noticed she’d stiffened. Before she climbed into the real Big Red, she threw me a look, at least offering a genuine smile.

My chest tightened, the ache for several reasons.

Including the fact I enjoyed her company.

My window was still rolled down so when she tried to turn over the engine, it was easy to catch the clicking sounds indicating either a dead battery or alternator.

She slammed her hand on the steering wheel, instantly dropping her head between her hands.

I shifted the gear into park, climbing out and casually walking to her driver’s side. The second I knocked on the window, she lifted her head, her sneer making me grin. I backed away a split second before she threw open the door, issuing a series of cuss words that would impress any sailor.

“The fucking piece of shit,” she hissed.

“Come on. I’ll take you to get your daughter.”

“No need if you have jumper cables.”

“I don’t and besides, I have no doubt your alternator just gave up the ghost. I’m not taking no for an answer, Jessie.”

She narrowed her eyes as if she didn’t understand what I was telling her. “You’re pushy.”

“I know but I think you like that about me. Come on. You don’t want to keep your daughter waiting.”

“Fine but this doesn’t mean anything.”

“Absolutely not.” The girl had a way of keeping filthy thoughts running through my mind.

While she continued grousing as she yanked her keys into her hand, storming back to my truck, I was elated at the additional time I’d be allowed with her. Maybe a little too much so.

“Thank you for doing this,” she said after a few minutes.

“It’s no big deal. Do you know a mechanic?”

“Maybe. I’ll take care of it. Take the right up here.”

I did as she asked, hating the tension between us. “How about getting some dinner after we pick her up?”

“It’s not a good idea. Okay? I know you’re trying to be nice and you have no idea how much I appreciate it, but Britta doesn’t need to get attached to you.”

Sighing, I realized I was doing nothing more than pushing against a brick wall. “Have it your way.”

We drove in silence for another few minutes, her only words guiding me to make whatever turn was necessary.

“Up here just to your left. See the sign for the school?”

“I got it.” I made the turn, rolling up the driveway to the line of cars already waiting to pick up their kids.

“I’ll be right back.” She climbed out, taking long strides toward the crowd that had gathered.
