Page 54 of Cold-Hearted King

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When my phone rang, I was happy for the distraction. Seeing my brother’s number, I was glad it wasn’t Hank or one of his cronies. “Hey, brother. How are you doing?”

“I’m fine. How’s the trip going?”

“It’s interesting. That’s all I can say.”

“Well, I thought you should know I overheard Pops talking to a man named Hank? Does that name sound familiar?”

I bristled more than I had before with the man. “Yeah, he was Grandfather’s attorney.”

“Well, it sounded as if they were pretty cozy. I just thought you’d like to know. I wonder what Dad is up to.”

“Trying to force my hand in selling the ranch.” I thought about what I should do at this point. “Are you free for a couple days?”

“What do you need?”

“Maybe a show of force and someone reminded me that I should introduce you to the ranch. How would you like to spend some time in God’s country?”

“That would be Montana, brother.”

“Semantics,” I said, laughing.

“Hey, I could use a good vacation. Happy to come and help. Maybe we can kick some ass.”

“Yeah,” I told him. “I’d like that.” I’d enjoy kicking some ass from here all the way to the real God’s country. As soon as Jessie wrapped her hand around her daughter’s, heading in the direction of my truck, an unusual ache formed in my chest. “I gotta run. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Hot date?”

“Mmm… Something like that. I’ll explain it to you when you get here.”

“You have me intrigued, brother.”

“Keep that to yourself.”

“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.”

I ended the call, shoving the phone into my pocket, eyeing the two of them as they moved closer, the little girl talking a mile a minute.

As soon as Jessie was close to the truck, I could sense she was uncertain whether or not to climb inside. Finally, she opened the door, helping Britta into the front seat.

“Who are you?” Britta asked me directly, the dome light highlighting her scrunched-up face, but she was a cutie. And she looked just like her beautiful mom.

“This is my friend, Sebastian.” Jessie lifted her gaze and scooted the little girl further into the middle of the seat, finally climbing inside.

“You’re Britta,” I said as she continued to wear a funny expression. Maybe I’d grown two horns and hadn’t realized it.

“How did you know?” She even managed to plant her hand on her hip while her mother tried to fasten the seatbelt around her waist.

“Because I’m a wizard.”

“No, you’re not. Mommy told me there are no such things.”

“Next you’re going to tell me there’s no such thing as Santa Claus.” As soon as the door was closed, I heard Jessie huff under her breath.

“I don’t believe in filling her head with falsehoods,” she said.

“You are kidding me.”

“I’m not but…” Jessie leaned over, tickling her daughter in the tummy. “Santa Claus is a real live elf who only comes to good little girls.”
