Page 63 of Cold-Hearted King

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By the time he lowered to his knees once again, I couldn’t breathe at all, my pulse racing to the point I was fearful I’d have a heart attack. It was a silly response, but I wasn’t certain I’d ever felt this excited.

When he crawled between my legs, using his knees to push mine wide open, I rolled a single finger all the way down the middle of his chest. He watched my actions for a few seconds before doing what he’d done before, planting his hands on either side of me.

“You’re the incorrigible one and a woman who needs to be tamed.”

“Not this girl.”

“Oh, yes,” he said as he lifted one arm over my head, reaching for the other. “And I’m just the man to take care of it.”

“You just think so. Not a chance.”

“I do so love a challenge coming from a beautiful woman but here’s the thing.” I didn’t notice until it was too late that he’d grabbed his belt, immediately winding it around my wrists. “I’m bigger and stronger than you are.” After cinching the buckle, he pulled away, grinning like a kid.

“Show off.” I struggled in the tight bindings, shocked that he’d managed to shackle me at all. A moment of fear trickled into my system from an experience with James, my chest even rising and falling as I almost drifted into hyperventilating. He noticed almost immediately, narrowing his eyes.

“Are you okay, baby?”

I refused to allow the asshole to win. I’d allowed that to happen for far too long. “I’m perfectly fine, big boy. But I will get you back one day.”

His smile returned as he rubbed his cock, giving me a few seconds of a sinful show.

“No fair,” I whispered, dragging my tongue across the seam of my mouth as a few beads of pre-cum slipped past his sensitive slit.

“Be careful looking at me that way, bad girl. I will eat you alive.”

“Go right ahead.” He continued stroking for a full minute longer, which made me crazier than ever. I bucked against the rug, fighting with the tight confines before reaching for him.

He allowed me to slide my finger around his cockhead then shook his head. “Not this go-around, Big Red. I’m far too hungry. I need to be inside of you.”

When he pushed the tip of his cock against my wetness, I couldn’t hold back a series of whimpers. How could any woman, given the sexy sight right in front of me? I also hadn’t noticed the interesting tattoo on his shoulder, the black ink reflecting a symbol of some kind. It suited his personality, bold and dramatic. I wanted nothing more than to spend time tracing the intricate design, studying it as I would any beautiful piece of art.

But he was having none of it.

He never blinked, never took his eyes off mine as he shifted his hips, thrusting almost half the length of his cock inside. After exhaling, he drove the remainder inside, my muscles stretching to try to accommodate such an incredible thickness. I started quivering all over again, but as I pressed my hands against his chest, another moment of quiet calm washed over me.

His expression changed, drifting away from the playfulness of before. More serious, it was as if our interaction had exposed something different and much darker. He slowly lowered down until he was resting on his elbows.

“I could do this for hours,” he half whispered in his rugged voice, the sound alone sending another thrill through me.

“Then do it.” I wrapped one leg around his thigh, arching my back as my pussy muscles clenched and released. He lifted my arms over my head once again, sliding one of his up as well. When he clamped his hand over mine, it felt as if we were connected as one.

There was a tenderness to the way he was making love to me, his eyes darting back and forth as he studied my reaction. I wrapped my other leg around him as well, squeezing both together as we rocked our bodies in time to each other.

I’d never felt so close to a man, so wanted or needed. The feeling of exhilaration kept me breathless and full of wonder. How had I been so wrong about him, judging him as if he was my enemy? I didn’t want to think about anything but this moment, trying my best not to allow my past or the ugliness of what I might face in the future to ruin such an incredible moment.

He refused to stop, his actions becoming more potent as his needs intensified. A single bead of sweat formed over his brow, slowly drifting down his cheek. He grinned as he continued studying me, neither one of us saying a single word. There was no need. We were completely in tune with each other, as if formed as one. It wasn’t polite to drool but that’s what I felt like doing, biting my lower lip instead to keep from making a fool of myself.

He refused to stop, grinding his hips into mine as if he couldn’t get enough. There was something so spectacular about being lost in the moment, or lost in each other, able to tune out the rest of the world.

I heard the slight whimpers escaping my lips, but they seemed so far away, my mind spinning with far too many possibilities. I couldn’t think about any concept of a future with this man, but it was impossible not to do so. A fire had built between my legs ages before but when he narrowed his eyes, issuing another series of growls, it turned into a blaze. Breathless, I sensed my entire body was ready to spasm, the electrical shards of red-hot heat sparking even more of a firestorm.

I’d never allowed lust to cloud my mind but the heavy fog around my eyes was a dead giveaway of the effect this man had on me.

“Come for me, baby. I need to feel you release.” His whisper was almost harsh, commanding me to follow his order.

Even if I’d wanted to disobey him, there wasn’t a chance of doing so. My body betrayed me at that very moment, the climax rumbling up from the depths of my being. He pressed up on his palms, rocking his hips forward until he developed a brutal rhythm.

“Oh. Oh. Oh.” I tossed my head back and forth, fighting the bindings all over again, shocked how powerful the orgasm had become. It was never ending, his hard pounding, driving his cock deeply inside, keeping me in the perfect moment of euphoria. There was a fabulous darkness that lurked under his powerful brow and heated gazes, as if he knew the secret of life.
