Page 64 of Cold-Hearted King

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I lost my ability to speak as another climax swept through me.

“You’re so beautiful when you come.” His whisper kept me fully aroused, but I sensed he wanted to come, to erupt deep inside. His muscles had tensed, his eyes now hooded from being half closed. Even his lips were redder than before. I suddenly felt completely out of control, as if I’d just lost my mind. But in those few seconds of challenging my beliefs and common sense, I found myself squeezing my muscles.

Sebastian threw his head back, his intense roar unlike anything I’d ever heard. And as he filled me with his seed, another wave of guilt tore through me.

The tingles were back, and the inexplicable need to keep feeling as if I’d been reborn but just as I’d experienced before, my own mind hijacked the pleasure, stripping me of the most satisfying moment of my life.

And all I wanted to do was roll over and cry.

If the man sensed what I was thinking or feeling, he ignored it, backing away and immediately pulling me into a sitting position. Without so much as a blip in time, he flipped me over onto all fours, pressing his still hard cock against me. How could any man stay so hard after erupting deep inside of me?

My hands were still bound, his control even more stringent. His actions were entirely different, the tender man from before long gone.

“Now, I want you to tell me what you hunger for.” His tone was even darker than before.


“Not good enough, little fawn. I want to know what’s on your mind, my dirty little girl. Do you want me to treat you like a little slut who wants to be used then used all over again?”

His filthy words should anger me, but they had the opposite effect, turning me on to the point my pussy juice and his cum were trickling down the insides of both legs. I was close to hyperventilating, trying my best to keep my wits about me. “Yes.”

“Do you want me to be your sadist?”


“So you want me to fist your hair, riding you hard until you scream out my name?”

“God, yes.” Did he have any idea what he was doing to me? Did he understand that he was ripping away the armor completely, exposing my soft little underbelly? I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, and all I wanted was to feel his cock buried deep inside all over again.

When he pressed his thumb against my dark hole, it was all I could do to keep from screaming.

“Do you want me to fuck your tight asshole like the dirty girl you are?”

This felt like the only chance I had to break free of my self-imposed chains. The answer was just as easy as the others. “God, yes.”

“Then tell me. Tell me what you want me to do to that hot body of yours.” His voice was nothing but a deep growl, a wild animalistic dip into becoming a true predator.

And I loved every moment of it. “Fuck my ass. Spank me like the bad girl I am.”

He pushed his thumb deeper inside, leaning over and biting my earlobe as he pumped his thick digit in and out. “Then that’s exactly what I’m going to do to you, Big Red. Remember, my little fawn. You asked for it.”

I bucked hard against him, fighting the crazy urges swimming up from the depths of my being. I’d never felt this dirty in my entire life, but it was amazing to let go, to feel like I was flying free, soaring above the night sky.

“You are a dirty little girl, aren’t you? I can tell you want to fucking beg me to take you outside, fucking you in the grass like the naughty little girl you are.”

No one had ever talked to me this way, as if he’d figured out exactly what I needed. What I craved.

“Then do it. Just do it.”

He chuckled darkly, the sound reiterating just how much I yearned for the man.

When he cracked his hand against my backside three times in rapid succession, I yelped a little too loudly, gasping after I made the noise. “Oh, God. We can’t wake Britta.”

“You’re right. I’ll take care of that.”

I couldn’t have been more shocked than when he fisted my hair seconds later, pulling back my head. “Open your mouth, Big Red.”

Why I obeyed him instantly I would never know, but when he shoved my soaked panties into my mouth, I was driven into full blown shock. He didn’t wait for me to object, cracking his hand against my already aching backside several times, moving from one side to the other, fisting my hair just like he promised he’d do.
