Page 79 of Cold-Hearted King

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It might have taken me years, but I’d built up a network of people I could call on when necessary. After Parker had slipped me a little tip, I’d made a single phone call, requesting the help of a very trustworthy source. Fortunately, what I’d been hoping for had been sent to me just moments before. While I paid hefty sums for obtaining this kind of information, it was well worth it, especially in this case.

Making certain James understood that it was in his best interest to stay away from Jessie and to drop the custody battle was the last business for the day before I finished making the final purchases. The majority of items had hopefully been delivered to their destination, but a few I’d wanted to handle myself. I wasn’t too bad at making selections; even my brother would be shocked at the quality.

The fact the asshole had slashed one of my truck tires had pushed me past the point of no return. It was a childish prank but one I wouldn’t tolerate.

As I’d anticipated, I’d found James had holed up in one of the best hotels near Montrose. The Elk Mountain Resort was beautiful; even though it appeared rustic from the outside, I’d already heard some good things about the accommodations and the food. It was about twenty miles away from the ranch but easy enough to find.

Given it was late in the afternoon, I had a feeling I knew where I’d find him. All I’d had to do was ask at the front desk to confirm I was right. When I stepped foot into the bar, I took a minute to enjoy the fabulous stone fireplace and wooden beams. From what I could tell, the renovations to Walter’s house had been made using the lodge as a template.

I found the man easily enough. He hadn’t come alone, the two men with him possibly his bodyguards. Yeah, at this point he was going to need them. I sauntered to the bar, their raucous conversation over a game of pool catching not only my attention but several others who were doing nothing more than attempting to enjoy a drink in front of the fire.

After ordering and receiving a whiskey, I studied them for a little while before making my way toward the group. While I wanted to do nothing more than gut the asshole, that wasn’t in Jessie’s best interest or her daughter’s. However, that didn’t mean I wouldn’t put the pressure on him. If this was some vendetta against my family, the fact he was a hothead would prod him into showing his hand. If not now, soon.

That would allow me to cut it off.

I was barely a foot behind them when one of his buddies finally noticed me, nodding to James.

James stiffened, keeping the pool cue in his hand before turning around. With a grin on his face, he reached for his drink on the table. “Well, look what the cat dragged in. Another piece of trash.”

As if this was a high school experiment, the two assholes laughed right on cue.

I said nothing, which wasn’t like me, but I enjoyed watching men sweat. I took a sip of my drink, looking away as if admiring the setting.

“Hey, asshole. Are you just going to stand there like a statue, or did you have something to say to me?”

James’ challenge was acceptable at this point. I was ready. In fact, I was more than ready to watch the fucker squirm. “I’m curious, James. Do you know who I am?”

“You mean other than the man who’s fucking a piece of garbage?”

He was only trying to provoke me in a public place. I refused to take the bait. For now. Instead, I pulled out a business card, placing it on the pool table. He took his sweet time before picking it up. Even though he was turned slightly away, I was able to tell that he recognized my name and it seemed to be a surprise to him. “I’ll call myself an enemy of your father.”

“So what?” he finally asked.

“So I understand you’re poised to take over the helm of your father’s company.” I took another sip, able to enjoy myself more than I should.

“Yeah, I am. I’ll give you a run for your money.”

“Hmm… I’m sure you’ll try but as my father did with your father, I’ll crush you. Only this time I’ll make it more… permanent.”

He and his buddies laughed again. “You think you’re funny, don’t you?”

Now I crowded his space, which was apparent he didn’t like since he knew what I was capable of doing. “What I think is that you’re attempting to clean up loose ends prior to being in the public eye.”

“That’s bullshit.”

“Then why do you want to take custody of your daughter when you wanted nothing to do with her for years? Is it possible it’s because of the significant salary increase you’re going to receive when you do take over the company? You would certainly not want Jessie to take you to task for not paying child support, which she will eventually win since she has a much better attorney now. Imagine the amount of money she’ll be awarded when you go from hiding the money you currently make now to the stocks that will be signed over in your name. Since they’re a matter of public record, you won’t be able to hide your millions of dollars from any judge, no matter the state you file in.” I allowed the information I’d found to settle, but I had more.

“You’re a fucking asshole,” he said. It was funny how he was suddenly ready to keep his voice down.

“I’ve been told that more than once today already. Could your reason for being here be all about the fact you’re worried that she’ll make good on her threat to talk with the press? So you’re trying to intimidate her as you did before?” This time, I flexed then fisted my hand on purpose, smirking while I did.

“I have every right to be with my daughter. She’s my flesh and blood. Plus, Jessie can’t take care of her. She’s broke.”

“Mmm… Not any longer, my friend. Do yourself a favor and walk away before it’s too late.”

“I’m not your friend and I don’t give a shit what kind of threat you toss my way. You’re nothing to me and your threats won’t do any good. In case you haven’t figured out, I’m pretty damn powerful.”

I had to laugh. The man truly thought he was something. It was men like that I enjoyed crushing under my boot the most. It would be a pleasure to send him straight to hell, but I knew the best thing to do was to allow him to implode. “I don’t make threats, James. I make promises that I thoroughly enjoy keeping. I suggest you heed my advice.”
