Page 80 of Cold-Hearted King

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I’d experienced enough bullies in my life to know that often the reason behind it was they needed to prove their masculinity. He pushed me hard, but I allowed my body to tumble back by a few feet. As all three of them laughed, James ripping the card in two, it was all I could do to keep from laughing.

I pulled out my phone, humming while I shifted to the photographs I’d been sent. “It’s a pity I don’t have a full color copy for you, but I think you’ll get the gist of the reason I’m strongly suggesting you get out and stay the fuck out of Jessie’s life, but that’s only after you pay her what she’s owed. Let’s say, two million dollars should do it.”

“You’re fucking out of your mind.” He looked at his buddies, laughing his ass off. “The fucker is obviously learning impaired.”

I walked closer, holding out my phone. “That’s also what I’ve heard more than once. Maybe you’re right but I doubt you want this to get out to either your darling wife or to the press. Now, do you?”

As soon as he allowed his gaze to fall to the first screen, suddenly his face fell. “What the fuck is this?”

“This is one of many photographs of the second family you’re keeping, the one you don’t want anyone to know about. Oh, and I’m aware the girl is only seventeen. And the fact you got her pregnant at fifteen; that’s considered rape in pretty much every state. You really should learn to keep your dick in your pants.”

He tried to snatch the phone from my hand, but I yanked it back. “Not a good idea, my friend. I play rough. Just call this a friendly reminder that you will do as I say. If not, this will be sent to the board of directors of your father’s firm, your wife, and to several newspapers as well as television stations. Imagine that will do to the stocks of your firm.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Yeah, I would. As of tomorrow afternoon, you’re going to have a cashier’s check dropped off at Ms. Logan’s residence or I will release this. You’re also going to have your attorney drop the custody hearing. And you’re going to leave and promise never to return to Montrose or have any contact with either Jessie or Britta again. If Britta wants to find out who her scumbag of a father is when she turns eighteen, then that’s up to her. And I assure you that my attorney already has a copy of these photographs and the birth certificate for your illegitimate son waiting in his office in Miami to release, especially if I don’t give him a call that all the requirements I’ve just given you are taken care of.”

He still had a smug look on his face, which didn’t surprise me. He’d continue to angle for a way out. There would be none.

“You’re bluffing.”

“Try me. Go ahead. Why not ask your father if I ever bluff? He’ll be happy to tell you. Oh, and if you think you’re going to push me back to Florida by slashing my tires, you’re dead wrong.” There was so much joy in watching the asshole deflate. No wonder I refused to back down from being a ruthless bastard. It gave me the jollies.

I slipped my phone into my jacket pocket, taking a few seconds to finish my drink, which I promptly put on top of the pool table.

When he was stupid enough to try to throw a punch, all I did was grab it with my palm, twisting then adding pressure to certain points in his hand. I knew it was terribly painful by the way his face turned white. “You really shouldn’t have done that.”

“Get the fuck off of me,” he hissed, and his two buddies were stupid enough to take a step closer.

Using my left hand, I unbuttoned my jacket, allowing them to see the new Glock I’d purchased. Yep. It was good to be out shopping for a change.

“I wouldn’t do that, boys. In addition to being a consummate businessman, I’m also a crack shot.” I slowly turned my attention back to James, who was already sweating from the pressure I’d placed on his fingers. “Did you know that it doesn’t take significant strength or force to crush a man’s hand? The pressure I’m using right now is minimal, call it a two on the scale. But if I did this…” I shifted my hand slightly and James’ knees started to buckle.

“Oh, God. Let… go… of me,” James begged.

“That’s likely a six.” I watched as beads of sweat trickled down both sides of his face. “Just imagine what you’ll feel if I go to a ten.”


“So, we’re good?” I added a bit more pressure and suddenly, I was able to gather the stench of urine. It would seem the man had pissed himself.

“Yes. Yes!”

I immediately released my hold, giving him a nod. “I’m glad we could come to an understanding. Have a good evening, boys.” I turned around, but not before winking. As I walked out, I was satisfied that by this time tomorrow, not only would Jessie be a wealthy woman, but she’d be free of the noose she had hanging around her neck.

What the fucker didn’t know was that I would eventually release the information anyway. Why the hell not?

All was fair in love and war.



“Now, I’ve had it,” Megan said the very moment I opened the passenger door of her car.

“What are you talking about?”

“Why did you stay with Sebastian Cawthorne? Why were you two arguing? Why did you appear like you’d seen a ghost when I picked you up?”
