Page 42 of Raven

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Chapter 17


There’s been a shift in Cole… Something having fractured the wall he normally keeps up hiding his inner psychopath. I like it. This version of him is fun. I never realized I wanted a partner to banter back and forth when playing with a toy like this.

When the SUV comes to a stop, Jasper can’t get out fast enough, the smell having permeated all the clean air. Cole shoves the man aside and reaches over the seats to grasp me, hauling me into his arms. He drags me out of the car in a smooth motion and has me pinned to the side before I can say anything.

My legs instantly wrap around him, squeezing his body tightly against mine. “He touched you,” he says, the words rumbling from deep in his chest. It seems like he’s barely holding himself together, and the thought of being able to break him wide open has a jittery thrill running through me.

“What are you going to do about it?” I taunt.

Before Cole can respond, Jasper is next to us, pulling me away from him. We both shoot Jasper death glares. “What the fuck?” Cole grinds his jaw so hard I wouldn’t be surprised if he cracks a tooth.

“Get your shit together, man,” Jasper commands, then turns to me. “Don’t taunt him right now. You aren’t ready for the version of him that you’d get if you break him.”

Hmmm… interesting. How does Jasper know that?

“I’m fine,” Cole objects.

Jasper shoots him a furious glare. “No, you aren’t. Go help carry the fucker where we need to get him.” He wraps his arm around my waist, tucking me in close. When Cole turns to do what he says, the anger melts and he flashes me a smile. “Come with me, Little Bird. I brought something for you.”

He opens the back gate of the SUV and lifts a baseball bat from the sliver of trunk space. “A bat?” I question.

With a flick of his wrist, he tosses the wood so it spins in the air and catches it again by the thinner portion where you’re meant to hold it. “I thought it seemed fitting for your first mob hit. You know, breaking kneecaps and all.”

Jasper is giving me a weapon to use when killing? This seems rather reminiscent of Ravenmaster and all the gifts he’s given me to use. I check the bat again for the red ribbon or raven sticker I’ve found on the others but disappointedly don’t find any. Could it have been Jasper all this time? He is a weapons expert…

“Come on, Little Bird. They’re holding the door for us.” He gives me a knowing smile, probably assuming exactly where my thoughts went. It doesn’t pass my notice that he wouldn’t predict them if he wasn’t Ravenmaster.

The ongoing is he or isn’t he debate fills my mind as we make our way through the building, Vander leading the way with sure, practiced steps. We finally end up in a room similar to the playroom Ravenmaster let me use back in D.C. There’s even a wall and bench filled with toys to use. Before I can get distracted by them, Jasper turns me toward him and hands me the bat. “Have fun,” he says with a wink.

Grayson helps Cole tie up my target and after scrutinizing them for a moment, Vander walks over to me. “Did you have fun in the car, Reginetta?“ he asks, running a hand down my arm. I can’t help the smile pulling at my cheeks, and happily bite my lower lip, nodding my head. “Figured as much. A bat, huh? It’s a good choice, but you can expect some blood splatter.” He holds up a pair of safety glasses. “Might want to wear these to make sure you don’t get any in your eyes.”

“Thank you.” I reach for the eye protection, but he pulls them out of the way before I can grasp them.

“Let me,” he murmurs, moving closer and tucking some hair behind my ear. The glasses slide on my face, and his breath feathers against my lips. It draws my attention to them, making him smirk, but he pulls away without trying to kiss me. I’m strangely disappointed.

His hands land on my shoulders, encouraging me to turn around until I’m facing the man strung up in the center of the room. Rope cuts into his wrists, twisted in a careful pattern keeping them locked together with no chance of escape. In the space between his wrists is a huge hook holding his weight where it comes down from the ceiling on a chain.

The man is still passed out, his body limp where it slightly sways on the hook. “Do you want to make this quick… or draw it out?” Vander asks in my ear, his hands sliding along my sides until he’s gripping my hips. “We don’t need to get any information out of him, so torture isn’t necessary unless you want to work on your skills.”

His thumbs find their way between my shirt and pants, soothing soft circles into my skin. At the same time, his nose runs a line along my neck, teasing the sensitive area, working me up with his touch. He’s using any excuse he can to lay a finger on me, and I’m not doing a thing to stop him.

“I haven’t used a bat to kill someone yet,” I whisper, unsure why I’m keeping the comment between us, other than I’m enjoying pretending he’s not utterly on my shit list.

“Want me to show you how I’d use it?” he offers, his hold on me suddenly biting into my sides. Glancing up, I find Cole glaring at us, an unhinged gleam in his eyes tracking my every movement. Vander must see the same thing I do because he shakes his head with a muted rumble. “I’m surprised he’s lasted this long without going fucking feral. He needs to be set loose on some victims.”

“Think I should share my fun with him?”

Vander stands still for a moment and then encourages me to step toward the piñata. His body moves in sync with mine, not an inch of space finding its way between us. “It might be for the best, but I really don’t want to let you.” He presses a kiss to the sensitive spot where my neck curves, sending shivers down my spine. “Just give me a few more minutes with you,” he practically pleads with me.

Every step we take has the plug filling my ass shifting in an erotic rocking rhythm, keeping me in a constant horny state. It doesn’t help that my men have been making it their mission to give me small touches, not being able to spend much time without one of them doing it.

And now with Vander’s hard cock wedging into my crack perfectly, adding a little more pressure to the plug… it sends the sensations ratcheting to new heights. I know whichever of them is Ravenmaster will end up turning it on while I’m having my fun. He’s evil like that. Or terribly fun, depending on how you look at it.

Standing in front of the body that’s finally come to a stop, Vander wraps his hand around mine, sliding it to the end of the bat where the bulbous end keeps my hand from sliding off. We lift the weapon and poke Anthony in the stomach. The soft area has the bat bouncing back in my hold like a trampoline. “First, I’d start off by waking him up. The acoustics in this room will make the screams sound even louder,” he murmurs in my ear, and I feel his lips move into a smile. “It’s not nearly as much fun when you aren’t getting a reaction out of them.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” It feels like we’re bonding over liking the same things when killing someone. Something that would be so fucked up in any other relationship, but this evolution between my men and I—it feels natural. Like it was always meant to be this way.

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