Page 52 of Raven

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“Don’t touch me!” I demand for the second time today as I push him away, but in his typical fashion, he doesn’t budge. Holding up my phone, I ask, “Was this you?”

He glances at the screen. “Yeah. Who else would it be right now?” He’s suddenly angry, feeding off my energy.

“You’re not Ravenmaster,” I object. There have been too many times where I’ve talked to Ravenmaster when it couldn’t be him. The biggest example was when he took the bullet for me.

Vander grabs my arm in a bruising grip and drags me into a nearby office. He slams the door behind us and backs me up against the wall. His hand is around my neck a second later, squeezing enough to pass the message that he’s the one in control right now.

Doesn’t stop me from trying to push him further. “You aren’t supposed to be touching me here, remember? Daddy’s rules.”

His eyes blaze as he leans in. “You’re mine, Raven. And nobody can tell me what to do with what’s mine. Now, please share with me,” he seethes, moving mere centimeters from my face. “Why can’t I be Ravenmaster? Do you not think I’m good enough to be the man you obsess over? Is the thought so loathsome that you might love me?”

I’m taken aback by his response. Is he jealous of my stalker?

He takes my silence as a refusal to answer and slams his fist against the door right by my face. “Answer me!” It’s the first time I’ve truly heard him yelling. Vander has always been put together, able to keep his calm no matter what situation I put him in. The only exception was when he thought I died in the explosion.

“Do you still want me?” he asks, eyes flashing with fear.

“Of course I do!” I answer immediately, not liking the vulnerability tearing him apart.

“Then why are you acting like you can’t fucking stand being in the same room with me? Tell me what I did that was so bad to get this reaction from you. I’ve given you my whole life. Every moment has been dedicated to you from the moment you smiled up at me from your father’s arms. Tell me why you can’t forgive me!” His body crowds me in even tighter, leaving no space between us.

“Because—“ I choke on the word, suddenly feeling like my reason sounds like shit after what he just said. ”—You lied to me,” I finish on a whisper.

“You weren’t ready for the goddamn truth! I can’t change the past, Reginetta. I don’t know what you expect me to do to win you back.“ He punches the wall next to my head and plaster rains down on my shoulder when he pulls his fist free. “I need you.”

His confession tears at me, but there’s so much rage still inside me knowing I’ve trusted him with my soul and he thought it was okay to keep so much hidden from me. I can’t turn it off with a snap of my fingers. “Well, you can’t have me yet!” I shout in his face, growing more irritated by the minute that he’s trying to force me to get over it without—fuck, I don’t even know what. But I need something from him before I can.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Raven! I already told you you’re mine, and nobody tells me what I can and can’t do with what’s mine.” He turns me around and shoves my head against the wall. His hands desperately tug at my skirt dragging it up my legs to expose my thong.

I push against the wall, throw my elbows into his ribs, try to slam the back of my head into his nose, I even attempt to use my leg against the wall to gain some kind of distance to throw him off. He can’t have me simply because he says so.

At least that’s what my brain says. My pussy is all about the fight and being taken against my will. She’s dripping like a fucking leaky faucet.

“Think you’re being cute putting up a fight?” he snaps, hauling me away from the wall. He drags me across the room and lifts me onto the desk. He steps away, and in the same movement, he draws his gun, leveling it against my forehead. “Is this better? Do you need some kind of threat to fuck me? Does a gun work? Or do I need to use a knife like the first time?”

I freeze, and it’s not because of the cold metal pressing against my head. I study his dark eyes, searching for something, anything, to make sense of what he said. “What?” I finally croak out, dumbfounded.

He gives me a hateful sneer, an expression I’ve never seen on him before. “What’s wrong, principessa? Don’t like the idea of your lowly guard being the one who fucked you with a knife? Who made your legs tremble, and your pussy drip as I cut you and spread your blood around.”

Memories of the knife being used on me consume my thoughts. I instantly wanted to do it again, to wear both of our blood as we fucked. To possibly use the knife to mark him back. Now I see the whole encounter in a new light. Knowing it was my guard, the man who promised to protect me no matter what, who threatened to cut me and used the blunt edge against my clit… “Vander,” I whimper, wanting him more than I ever have before.

He mistakes my intentions though and cuts me off from saying anything else. “Don’t say another goddamn word or the next syllable out of your mouth will be your last. I may love you, but I will put a bullet in your head right now. You’ve pushed me way past my fucking limit.“ I bite my lip and nod my head. “Take off your panties, and stuff them in your mouth. You know how I like it. I don’t want your pretty little mouth ruining this moment.”

Chapter 20


A breathless moan tumbles from her lips with my command, her chest already rising and falling rapidly. She wants to fuck me so bad right now, but it’s a little late for her change of heart. I’ll take her exactly how I want, and hope I can get away with giving her as little pleasure as possible. She doesn’t deserve it with how she’s been treating me.

“Now!” I bark, even more furious knowing how quickly she followed every command Grayson gave her last night. She jumps into action, and the little spark of fear in her makes that deep, dark part inside of me happy.

I trail the gun over her cheek and along the side of her throat wanting to heighten her adrenaline—to make her feel totally and completely alive. She’s only felt this way when fucking one of us, or killing someone, and I want her so turned on that she feels like she’ll combust if she doesn’t get to fuck me.

Her skirt is still around her waist from where I pulled it up, so it makes it easy for her to slip her fingers into the side of her panties to tug them down. She shimmies her hips to get the string over her perfect ass, and the triangle of cloth protecting her cunt falls away. When it does, a long string of slick connects them to her pussy.

The sight of her being so turned on has my cock throbbing in my pants. I need to slam it into her tight cunt and fuck my load into her. “Such a horny slut. Look at how wet you are with the threat of a bullet. Maybe I should fuck you with my gun since it has you so needy.”

She speeds up taking off her lacy thong and then shoves it in her mouth like she can’t get them in fast enough. I love knowing she’ll taste herself until I let her take them out. The fabric is practically nonexistent, doing barely anything to fill her hole, but the constant sensation of them against her tongue will help keep her from speaking.
