Page 58 of Raven

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A still shot comes up and my heart stops. I barely notice Raven standing next to me, as my fingers fly over the keys, hacking into the security system where the photo came from. I’m pounding so hard into each press of the code I’m typing that I’m surprised it’s not breaking the buttons off.

It feels like an eternity before the live feed comes up. “Becca,” slips from between my lips. The floor seems to drop out from under me as devastation threatens to rip my delicate sanity apart. I thought she was dead.

“Your sister?” Raven clarifies. I must have said the last part out loud for her to ask about my sister.

“I never should have stopped looking,” I growl, hating myself. Raven puts a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me, but I can’t stand her touch right now. I shake it off, watching my sister on the screen.

She’s naked, wearing only heels in what is obviously a sex club. I swear to fuck if this is one of Enzo’s locations I’ll fucking murder him, right after I burn it to the ground. Her hair hangs in front of her face, but I’d know my sister anywhere. Her eyes are fixed on the floor and the expression on her face says she’s been broken, something about the emptiness in her eyes. To make matters worse, there’s a goddamn leash attached to a collar around her neck leading to a man holding it like he fucking owns her.

Immediately, I start running facial recognition on the man, needing to know as much as possible about him. He’s talking to another man then turns to bark an order at my sister. Why the fuck don’t these cameras have audio? I pick up a glass from the desk and chuck it at the wall in my rage, not giving a shit when it shatters and glass flies everywhere making Raven jump.

My sister drops to her knees and crawls to sit between the other man’s legs. She unzips his pants and pulls his cock out, sliding it into her mouth. I shouldn’t be watching her like this, but I can’t take my eyes off. I start another facial search on the new guy.

Suddenly, he viciously grips her by the hair and rips her head back, slamming his fist in her face. The grainy camera picks up the blood spray and the two men tip their heads back, laughing at her sprawled out on the ground.

I know the location where the feed is coming from, which is all I need to get started. I shoot off a message to my flight crew to get the jet ready, then slam my laptop closed, ripping the plug from the wall and shoving it all in my bag, only grabbing the essentials.

In my haste to leave, my towel drops, and Raven’s gaze zeros in on my cock. I glance down, having forgotten my piercings would be on display. Shit. I don’t have time for this now. I throw on my clothes and leave the room before she can say a word.

Raven is my heart. Without her I can’t live, but right now, I have to save my sister. God help anyone who gets in my way.

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