Page 40 of Dylan

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“I want to shout it to the world.”

“Um, you might want to tuck yourself back in and wash up.”

He looks down at his still semi-hard cock. “Oh shit.” I’ve seen my husband disheveled and a mess before, but his staff hasn’t. He’d always been crazy respectable until I came around.

“Yes,” I giggle, pressing my hand to my mouth.

He kisses me and rushes into his private bathroom. He sticks his head out of the doorway and asks, “Are you coming?”

“In a minute.” I want to clean up the area just in case we made too much of a mess. Although most of the staff are men around here, the cleaning crew that come in at night are a mix of men and women. He might think he’s the only jealous one in this marriage, but he doesn’t know that I’m nearly as possessive as he is.

I look for any of his leftovers and wipe any with cleaning products that are stored in the supply cabinet. This isn’t our first sex-capade in his office, so I make sure we have things in here, even if it’s just disinfectant wipes.

He comes out looking handsome as ever, and I look thoroughly flushed. At least the mess on the floor and the chair have been cleaned up, and I’ve managed to adjust my skirt and top.

“So, babe, what time does Lily want us to pick up Jack?” Our son is two years old, and we’re about to have our second child. I just found out this morning when I dropped off Jack. Lily and I had coffee. Her son and mine are best friends, just like we are.

His assistant is finally taking a well-deserved vacation, and I’m filling in. My cousin offered to watch our son, even though we could easily have brought him with us because the company has a daycare, where I work a couple of days a week as the supervisor.

I only work because Dylan works anywhere from ten to twelve hours a day, and that way we get to see each other without too much on my plate. He doesn’t want me to overwork myself but also doesn’t want me to be bored. The job keeps me right in the middle, but it’s not my dream career in marketing. I still haven’t found that yet.

“We can pick him up whenever we get out today.”

I walk into his bathroom, relieve myself, and then wash my hands. I left my panties in my purse, so I’m still going commando. I’ll have to sneak back to my desk in a minute and grab them.

I look at myself in the mirror. My ponytail is a little messy, but for the most part it’s not too bad. Still, I pull it out and let my hair fall. It cascades down nicely over my shoulders.

“Nice, sexy.” Dylan comes to stand behind me. “I’m surprised she can handle both of them and another baby so easily.”

“She loves babies,” I say, brushing down my clothes so they don’t look so wrinkled.

“Are you okay with having another baby so soon?”

“Dylan, I’d have as many babies as you wanted. I love you and our babies.” I rub my belly. “I’ve just been around a lot of kids in one day. I assure you, six toddlers at once can test one person’s patience.”

“You didn’t have to deal with them all by yourself, did you?”

“Well, we were a little short-staffed today.”

“That’s not okay, Harley. What’s going on?”

“We had several staff members come down with RSV. It happens. Unfortunately, that left less people last week. Now we’re back to full staff.”

“We need to fix that.”

“That’s pretty hard. It’s not like we can just trust a bunch of people to come into the daycare. They have to be certified and verified, but if you want me to look into a temp agency, I will.”

“Yes, please. Just for moments like this. Or we will have to find another method. I need my staff, but we can’t have our daycare staff being run ragged either.”

“Yes, Mr. Hunter.”

“Wife,” he growls.

“I actually came to tell you that your meeting is in…” I check my watch “…fifteen minutes.”


“The conference room has been prepared, and so has the meeting materials. Do you want me to take notes?”
