Page 41 of Dylan

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“Not looking like that?”

“Do I look like a mess?”

“No, you look like you’re flushed and thoroughly fucked. There won’t be a man in the room without a hard-on, not even that old bastard who is ready to kick the bucket.”

“Whatever. I think you’re insane.”

“Don’t believe me?” He leads me into the meeting room and we greet the board members from the company he plans to buy. All eyes are on me, and they’re not just politely looking—they’re gawking.

“Enough eye fucking my wife, fellas. If you want the deal, it’s best to keep your head down around her.” He snags one arm around my waist and pulls me to his side. “Harley, thank you for your assistance today. I’ll see you later.”

“Yes, Mr. Hunter.” I’m rewarded with a smirk before he kisses me. “I’ll go pick up our son now.”

“Good. I love you.” I walk away and notice not a single head has lifted from the papers in front of them. Smart. They have no idea how crazy that man will get when it comes to me. How dangerous he is. God, how I love him.


Five years later

Baby number three. I swear she’s going to leave me one of these days. Her swollen feet, swollen cheeks, and swollen belly make her so grumpy, but I just find her adorable.

“If you call me adorable one more time, Mr. Hunter, I’m going to turn into a freaking Gremlin.”

“Sorry, love. It’s almost over.”

“I’m sorry, too.” Tears well up in her eyes. I’m not sure what set her off today, but something has her riled up and emotional.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“Can we talk about it later? You have to leave for work and Jack has school.”

“Yes, but you will tell me, right?” I don’t like waiting until later to discuss feelings bullshit, but maybe it’s just her hormones. At this point in the pregnancy, it could be anything.

“Yes.” I kiss her softly, but there’s something missing in it. My chest hurts, but Jack tugs at my pant leg.

“Daddy, it’s time to go.”

“Okay. Let’s go, buddy.” I ruffle his hair before scooping him up. Staring at my wife, I’m bothered more now than ever, but I can’t figure it out. Dropping my son off at school, I double down on the security team for my wife.

“I’ll be in a long meeting today and unavailable unless my wife needs me, so make sure she’s well taken care of. Please let me know if something is wrong. Understood?”

“Yes, Mr. Hunter. Is there something going on? Are you concerned about her guard?”

“No, but I want to make sure she’s extra protected. She has a doctor’s appointment today, and I can’t make it.” Fuck, is that the problem? I’ve been to the majority of them, and her doctor changed the appointment, not me.

“Very well, sir.”

As soon as I enter my floor, I go straight into my office, ignoring my new assistant who stands up as I pass by. Briggs went off to bigger and better things after graduating with his master’s. HR hired my new assistant while I was on vacation with my wife. So far, I hardly speak to her unless it’s necessary. My trust issues with women haven’t improved much just because I fell in love with Harley. She’s the exception to the rule.

“Mr. Hunter, your meeting starts in ten minutes.”

“Yes, I know. Is there something important that caused you to walk into my office without knocking?”

“Sorry, sir.” I look up from my computer, and I notice she’s actually leaning on my desk with her hands splayed out and her chest practically in my face. I fall back on my chair and slide it back.

“Get out of my office now. Don’t come in here unless I call you.”

She stands up and does so. I call HR and say, “I want my assistant’s information instantly.”
