Page 20 of Gio

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“Not even after you get your revenge on my father?” I asked, ripping my gaze away from his before he breaks me.

“Look at me, Patricia.”


“Damn it, you try my patience and I’m about to fuck you right on this counter.”

“What about what Vivian said?”

“I don’t give a fuck what my sister said. I’ll teach her to give you clothes like that. She’s asking for me to kill someone.”

“Why do you care?”

“You’re my wife. Do you think I want men staring at you? Wanting to fuck you? If another man put his hands on you, I’d chop them off.”

“That’s gross.”

“It’s nothing compared to what I’ll do if someone touches what’s mine.”

“You don’t like anyone playing with your toys.”

“You’re mine, Patricia. My wife, my bride, one day the mother of my children. Disrespect to you is disrespect to me.”

“Pride cometh before the fall, Mr. Barone.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“I’m nothing but a tool in your war and a prized possession. You used me to get at my father and you can’t have anyone make you look bad, so that’s the only reason I’m not to be disrespected, but you don’t like or respect me. So take your pride and shove it up your ass. I want nothing to do with you. Leave me alone. You should have just let me walk away the first time. Now, I’ll do whatever I have to do to get away from you. I won’t be the fuck toy or baby factory for another heartless mobster. I had that option and ran for a reason.”

I storm from the room and rush up to the bedroom, locking the door and heading into the bathroom. I dig out the phone and power it on, hoping that I have time to myself to use it. When I don’t hear Gio’s footsteps, I use it. My first call is to the chef. It goes to voicemail, so I leave a brief message but then he calls back.

“Patty, dear,” he whispers. “Is this really you?”

“Si, Manuel.”

“Oh, como estas, muñeca?”

“I’m fine, but I need to get out of here.”

“So it’s not true about the marriage?”

“No, but I don’t have a way out of the estate.”

“Your father is willing to forgive you if you give him the money back.”

“What do you mean? I didn’t take his money, and I can’t believe that you’d even think that.”

“I don’t believe that, but I just had to tell you, especially if you want to come home.”

“I don’t want to come home. I just wanted your help, but never mind.”

I end the call and power it off, tucking it back in the hiding spot, then washing my face. Checking my reflection, I can see what the past twenty-four hours has done to me. It feels like I’ve aged years.

I pull out the ponytail and brush my hair to redo it into a braid. It’s time I take a walk around the estate and learn the property.

The second I open the door, I’m caught off guard by Matteo. “You may think you’re slick, Mrs. Barone, but you’re not. Where is it?”

“Where’s what?”
