Page 107 of Lord of Vengeance

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Three days had passed, the time used to collect what evidence we could and have a friendly discussion with the CIA, who seemed to know all about the Death Squad. They’d been vetted to ensure they weren’t working with the secret organization, double checked with the names a member of the Brotherhood had come up with.

Yes, I’d learned all about the alliance both Dante and Diego were in, getting the opportunity to meet with two of them, both men going on the trip with us.

There were some things that had to be finished and done my way.

The return trip to Alaska had been bittersweet but necessary. And I wasn’t returning to continue living here. I’d simply come back to make a few arrests on my last day in my official capacity as sheriff. I’d put in a good word for my replacement, but that would come after the city council had been cleaned, scoured of the Death Squad members.

I thought of my mother and brother, wishing they could be here for this. While we might never learn how or if members of the secret group had learned about Diego saving my life years ago, it no longer mattered. We were together. We were a force to be reckoned with.

And I loved him.

I wondered about the last name my mother had selected after my father had left until I’d remembered her favorite flower was a white rose. Maybe when I walked down the aisle, marrying the man I loved, I’d carry two dozen of them in her honor.

The connection had been made of those who hadn’t overdosed but had been murdered, all tactics to keep the Death Squad members from being exposed. I couldn’t imagine how horrible it was for any of the families, especially the eighteen-year-old who’d lost his life because his father had wanted to bring justice to the beautiful small town.

As I climbed out of the vehicle, I glanced up at the building and smiled, even managing to take a deep breath of the crisp air.

Diego joined me, resisting wrapping his arm around my waist since this was business. However, I couldn’t resist glancing at my beautiful ring he’d officially placed on my finger two nights before. While the proposal had been a bit unusual, I knew it was one for the memory books. Granted, he’d taken me out to a fabulous dinner to celebrate as well with all the bells and whistles.

Roses. White in color.

A slinky red dress purchased for me.

A new diamond necklace.


And kinky sex.

A perfect night.

Now this was what I considered a perfect day, rounding up the bad guys.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

I glanced at Phoenix and Gabriel, the two powerful men the perfect combination within the Brotherhood. Maybe I’d suggest I join. The thought allowed me to smile. When we heard the crunch of tires as my backup finally arrived, I headed toward the door to the office building. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

The Feds would hang back for a little while until I’d had a chance to begin the process. As we moved onto the floor of the mayor’s office, I took my time heading to the door. When I walked in, his receptionist was on her feet.

“What is the meaning of this?” she barked as only she could do.

“That’s between the mayor and myself.” I grinned as I threw open the door, barging into his office. I’d heard the judge was here as well. It would save me another trip. I was eager to return to my new home after gathering a few of my things. “Just the two men I needed to see.”

“What are you doing here?” Mayor Thompson demanded as he eyed the other men, obviously recognizing them given the smug smile on his face. He really thought he could get away with being a dictator.

“Oh, that’s right. You thought I was dead. Well, I’m not. Surprise. I simply had a few things to organize before I came to arrest both of you. Well, technically, I’m going to allow the CIA to handle that since your crimes are considered international given the makeup of the Death Squad. Don’t look so surprised. I told you boys before that there’s very little I miss in this town. You boys were bad. Murder. Espionage. Extortion. The list is long.”

“You’re bluffing.”

I grinned and moved closer, allowing the members of the CIA to make their entrance. “I’m afraid I’m not. You know I have to admit that it’s nice to be judge and jury all at once. My friends here taught me that.”

As I backed away, the members of the CIA advanced, already reading the men their rights. I’d initially wanted to lock them in my jail but had been convinced I had better things in my life to do.

It wasn’t as much fun as if I’d slapped the handcuffs on them myself, but it would do.

“Oh, before I forget. You really thought you could infiltrate my office without me finding out one of my deputies was working with you and this secret little fraternity? You should have known better.”

Next stop was my office for a meeting I’d called with members from my staff. And those supposedly working on the right side of the law. The day was draining already but the tasks were necessary.
