Page 37 of Lord of Vengeance

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Sheriff Sabrina Rose.

What. The. Fuck?

There was no such thing as coincidences in my world. Not one. Whenever I’d believed there to be one, that was the moment I’d been caught with more than just my pants down. However, I was determined to ensure my finding was correct before I reacted. I searched both the government site as well as basic googling, finding nothing helpful.

It would seem the woman was shy about getting her picture taken. After a few minutes, I slapped down the laptop case, grabbing my keys and weapon. I pulled a fresh magazine from the desk drawer, replacing the cartridge in my Glock as I thought about the best course of action.

There was only one way of ascertaining whether or not the lovely woman I’d coveted and ravaged was a member of law enforcement.

I’d need to track her down.

I shoved the weapon into my jacket pocket, grinning as I headed for the door. If the stunning raven-haired beauty had any intention of playing a game, then she had no idea what kind of opponent I could be. There was nothing I enjoyed more than becoming a predator, only I didn’t kill all the prey I hunted. Some, I kept, if only for a pleasurable period of time.

“I emailed you the reporter’s information. Her name is Brandy Martin. She works at channel four. I also sent you the address of the station in case you want to have a nice, long discussion with her.”

“Excellent. Maybe I will stop by.”

“That means you’re headed off, boss?” Ivan asked as I walked through the living room.

“I am. There’s something I need to do. In your search for information, add finding everything you can about Sheriff Sabrina Rose to the top of that list. I want to know everything about her including where she grew up, went to school, and how she ended up in Sitka.” My instinct told me she wasn’t native to Alaska.

“I’ll see what I can find. Someone we should be worried about?”

“Not at all, my friend. Not. At. All.”

Maybe I could use the morning to kill two birds with one stone. Without a doubt, it was time to go hunting.



Maybe using binoculars to spy on a man I’d been involved with wasn’t my finest hour. However, given there was no other way to get close to the lighthouse, unless I wanted to announce my arrival by boat, this would need to do. Only the boat I’d ridden in earlier that night was currently parked at the small dock, the car Diego had driven nowhere to be seen. That meant he and possibly his ‘brothers’ had headed out on some repulsive mission.

Which could entail leaving a trail of bodies in their wake.

Exhaling, I dropped the instrument, inhaling the fresh saltwater air. I was certain I’d seen movement inside, although the glint of sunlight prevented me from seeing anything clearly. Involved with. The hot man I’d fucked like a crazed animal. Another cold shiver drifted to the tips of my extremities.

I’d spent the entire morning doing two things. One was searching for everything I could find regarding the Santos family. Two had been avoiding the calls from two television stations and the mayor’s office. While I’d known the man would be calling for an update, the push seemed harsher than his usual stance. What I didn’t like was that he seemed to know far too many details that I’d yet to allow to be released.

That told me in no uncertain terms there could be a leak in either my department or in forensics. I was angry and on edge, my mood tanking into the toilet after learning how stupid I’d been. I refused to have a member of my staff defy my orders. It was my plan to hunt down the person involved as soon as I returned to the office.

At this point, it could be an all-nighter.

The other troubling aspect to the already fucked-up day was that the judge had yet to return my calls, which meant getting a warrant in my hand by tomorrow could become dicey. That didn’t mean I couldn’t attempt to have a conversation with Diego but that would allow him time to hide his illegal product.

What I’d learned about the man’s organization was that he was indeed highly respected, considered a wealthy and handsome bachelor at large and there hadn’t been a single law enforcement agency who’d made any headway since he and his twin brother had taken over from their deceased father, who had been a well-known criminal. The brothers were insistent their businesses were completely legit. Did I buy it for a second?

Not a chance in hell.

I’d learned a long time ago that once a successful criminal, always one. I should know that from where I grew up.

I pulled the binoculars into my hands once again, studying the small island. There wasn’t much to go on at this point. For all I knew, the man could be on vacation. I wanted to laugh. I didn’t buy it. While gorgeous and rural, the wildlife and outdoor adventures something sought out by thousands of people a year, I highly doubted a man like Diego was an outdoorsman.

The crunch of tires on the gravel leading into the small parking lot drew my attention. While I immediately bristled, longing to reach for my weapon, the public area was used by fisherman and boating enthusiasts alike. Going off halfcocked wasn’t something I could do.

Even if I wanted to issue a hard punch or five to Diego’s face.

By the time I turned around, a microphone was already being shoved into my face, the girl holding it not on my Christmas card list. Brandy was truly a thorn in my side.
