Page 42 of Lord of Vengeance

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“Cyanide. When inhaled in a high dosage, it’s lethal within seconds. You checked the body?” I demanded, already pacing the fucking floor.

“Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t think an inhaler could be used as a weapon.” Jacob’s face was red. I wanted to be angry with him, but we were dealing with an entirely new set of enemies. They were becoming more sophisticated.

I raked my hand through my hair, still pacing the floor. “Make certain there aren’t any other drugs here. I have something else to take care of.”

“What about the body?” Ivan asked.

“Dump his body in the woods outside town. Maybe there are rats or wolves hungry for a feast.”

“You don’t want to send a message?”

“Not like this. Not until we know what we’re dealing with. Let the fuckers wonder where their good buddy is. Maybe that will force them to rear their ugly heads.”

“You got it.” Ivan shifted his hateful gaze toward Jacob, who was still terrified of what I’d do. My soldier had just learned a valuable lesson and one he wouldn’t soon forget.

It would seem I was being toyed with from both sides of the law.

Now came the fun part. Tomorrow I’d greet the ship then decide where to go from there.


“Yes, Judge Callum. I do understand. However, do you not get that several families have recently been devastated by drugs invading our beautiful community, losing loved ones in the process? They will remember whether or not the people they entrusted to care for them sold out or not.”

Yep. I was more than pressing my luck with one of the most powerful men in town, his long-term friendship with the mayor and several other prominent citizens the reason I’d obtained my job. He could also be the reason I lost it as well if I wasn’t careful.

Not that I’d ever been careful in any of my actions since I’d become a teenager. Maybe that had to do with the first dead bodies I’d seen in the abandoned warehouse or being present the day my mother had been slaughtered.

“Is that a threat, Ms. Rose, because if it is, I suggest you pull back from it,” he growled, his deep, raspy voice an indication of the time spent consuming cigars as well as multiple glasses of scotch with his crony buddies.

I tried to bite my tongue but given the horrific day I’d had, it was becoming impossible, but fortunately for my bank account I managed to yank back the rabid sense of anger. “No, sir. It was just a helpful reminder. I’m worried that if this opportunity to look on that ship is abandoned, I’ll never get another one.”

“From what I can tell, Sheriff, the drugs have been here for some time. What are you doing to secure an arrest?”

Of course he’d throw it back into my lap. I was to blame for everything that did or didn’t happen in this town. “We’re getting closer, sir. Now, can I please have that warrant?”

“I’m sorry, Sabrina. You haven’t provided me with enough evidence. I don’t think you want your office involved in a lawsuit from a very prominent family out of LA. Now, do you?”

I did what I could not to laugh. I glanced out the windshield as the rain started to come down in more than just sprinkles. It was already dark, the lack of any moon given the clouds suffocating on this night in particular.

While the day had basically been shit as far as making much headway in finding the murderer, my other deputy Steven had finally spoken to Carlos Desposito only moments before I’d finally left for the night. The person staying in his house had been his nephew, which added an entirely new dimension to the investigation. The man had been understandably distraught, providing nothing of use at this point. At least he would return to Alaska within forty-eight hours for questioning, sooner if a flight was made available.

I finally had the name of the victim, Juan, a photographer from stateside, taking pictures for a leisure magazine.

Or so I’d been led to believe, something I would look into after I got a good night’s sleep.

If that was possible at this point. I wasn’t entirely certain.

As I made the turn into my driveway, I pulled the phone to my head, once again biting my tongue. “Sir, you do know about the Santos’ reputation. They are considered dangerous people.”

“The former patriarch maybe but the Santos boys are upstanding citizens with fine reputations.”

Jesus Christ. What kind of Kool-Aid had the man been drinking? Maybe I shouldn’t think it but I knew the judge had ties in LA as well. Was it possible he’d sold out? Oh, God. I couldn’t think that way. Or at least I couldn’t express that to anyone without fear of retribution.

I was forced to turn my windshield wipers onto high, trying to keep my anger in check at the same time.

“You will do best to continue searching for the murderer of that fine young man I heard about on the news.”

I cringed when he made the statement. That meant Brandy had made good on her threat. I would imagine how inundated my office would be in the morning with various reporters trying to get a scoop. Maybe I’d just work from home the next day or so.
