Page 53 of Lord of Vengeance

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With that, I walked out the door.



“You’re safe now. No one is going to hurt you. Just wait until the streets are cleared before you head home. Don’t let anyone see you. Can you promise me that?”


“Good girl.”

“Why did you save me?” I asked, still shaking all over, terror racing through me. They were dead. All of them. He’d killed them. Oh, my God. Was he going to kill me? No, he wasn’t. He’d been my hero.

The way he looked at me was so strange, but I sensed a connection that I would never forget. “Because you don’t deserve the bad hand you were dealt. Do something good with your life. Get out of here as soon as you can.”

Exhaling, I nodded, so cold that my teeth were chattering. “Thank you.”

“Be careful, little one. Some consider me a true savage but I’m nothing in comparison to the men who bled out on this floor. Never tell anyone I was here, or they’ll consider you my weakness. And they will hurt you terribly.”


As he swaggered toward the spot where we’d entered the warehouse, he took a few seconds, staring down at the bodies of the horrible men, spitting on them and snarling.

“Buen viaje a los muertos,” he muttered in Spanish, the language one of many I understood.

Good riddance to the dead.

I jerked up, gasping for air, the nightmare lingering in the forefront of my mind. I hadn’t thought about that moment of the terrible experience in years. Why now? I took deep breaths, yanking the sheet up to my neck, blinking several times to try to focus. The room was brighter than it should be. I slowly turned my head, capturing the time.


I’d overslept, forgetting to turn on the alarm.

As my eyes finally adjusted, I listened for any sounds. There was nothing but stark quiet, which was more unnerving than any noise. I slowly turned my head to the other pillow, realizing a part of me was hoping he’d returned. Why? I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. I would have believed I’d dreamt the entire thing from the night before except my bottom ached inside and out, my pussy as well from the rough sex.

The rough, amazing sex.

I buried my head into my hands, groaning several times. He’d been here, the man I’d wanted to hunt down and arrest. As I tried to catch my breath, erasing the horrible nightmare from my mind, I understood why my subconscious had brought it to my dreams. The warning Diego had issued was similar to the one the boy who’d saved my life years ago had said to me.

Was I really going to pay his kindness forward and not arrest Diego?

A deal. He really believed he could force me into working with him. My initial determination of him had been correct. He was as arrogant as they came. However, I couldn’t ignore the fact that he might be one of the few people who could help bring justice to the families of the victims.

Still, in doing so I’d be selling my soul to the devil.

I threw back the covers, forced to accept the fact the only thing I could arrest him for was breaking into my home. I was fucked either way. He could be the killer and I’d just let him walk out my door.

I glanced at the dresser, noticing my weapon for the first time since he’d left. I’d had two more glasses of whiskey, standing staring at the locked and bolted front door, half expecting the boogeyman to burst inside. Oh, wait. I’d slept with him. Fuck me.

Had he been serious about taking a tour of the cruise ship? Whether or not he was, it was a good thing to do. That would give me the morning to deal with the shit that I knew would hit the fan after Brandy’s stupid report during the six o’clock news. I’d been forced to turn off my phone because as soon as the broadcast was over, it had started ringing off the hook.

As I walked out of the bedroom, I was struck by how much I missed the man. That was perhaps crazier than the way I’d acted at the bar with him. Even nuttier was that my presumptions about him weren’t realistic. I had come onto him whether I chose to believe it or not.

I noticed my purse was exactly where I’d left it by the front door. I took long strides in the direction, praying my phone was still buried inside. Thankfully, it was, but I wasn’t singing the same tune after I turned it back on. I had twenty calls and at least that many texts. I could only imagine how many emails I’d been sent as well. As I scrolled through the phone messages, I grimaced more than once.

The mayor. The city council’s office. My office five times. At least four reporters. Might as well be a partridge in a pear tree. As soon as I headed toward the kitchen for coffee, my phone rang as if on cue. I glared at it but noticed the number for my office. I couldn’t hide in my tiny house but for so long. “Sheriff Rose.”

“Good God,” Damon said. “You are alive. I was about to take a drive out there.”
