Page 59 of Lord of Vengeance

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“What the hell?” Brogan asked. “Is this a real thing?”

“It is,” I answered.

Phoenix nodded. “My father used them once years ago because our men had been made. They are dangerous in that those involved could be anyone. However, at the time, they were only in Europe and parts of Russia. Are you trying to tell me they’ve expanded?’

“Two of their members appeared in Sitka, both now dead. Another showed up before I left in one of our clubs in LA. With fentanyl in hand as well. If the rumors are true about the South Americans and gaining more control of that drug in particular, perhaps there’s some alliance with Carlos and his brother along with one or more cartels out of Mexico. Maybe the Death Squad is funding this new regime, perhaps as another arm of power.”

“Farfetched,” Maxim growled.

“Maybe, but it’s obvious there’s something going on that we don’t have knowledge or control over. That is disconcerting as fuck,” Dante added.

Constantine folded his arms. “Whatever is going on, I think we could have a new problem on our hands.”

“I know we do since it would appear they’ve targeted our syndicate.” I glanced from one to the other. “Imagine if they learned about our alliance, gentlemen. If the Death Squad wants control over the world, they would be advised to do their best to eliminate us one by one.”

“The man is right,” Brogan huffed. “We need to take this seriously.”

“Someone has hired them to place you in the bullseye,” Gabriel added.

I nodded, finding it odd I couldn’t keep thoughts or visions of Sabrina out of my mind. I’d been insane to fuck her, taking her like some wild animal, but the need to do just that had been overwhelming. I might pay the price later, but it was worth it.

“The question is what they hope to gain,” I finally said.

“It likely has something to do with Desposito. Perhaps he knew you were coming into Alaska with your cruise ship,” Constantine offered.

“Or the connection with Dante’s past,” Sabatino offered.

“Whatever the case, we can’t allow this Death Squad to learn about the Brotherhood.” Brogan was more adamant than usual.

“Maxim, Phoenix, neither one of you have any idea who is behind the development of the organization?”

Phoenix exhaled audibly. “No. No one does, although I can make some inquiries with some of my European contacts.”

“I will do the same with the Moscow Bratva, although I’m not liked or appreciated within the bastardized country.” Maxim shook his head.

“Anything that can be found out will be helpful at this point. I don’t like riddles. They tend to piss me off,” I said, trying to work through what little I knew.

“All of us need to find out more about this Death Squad. If that’s the route our enemies are going down, then any one of us could be hit when we least expect it,” Constantine said in his usual voice of authority.

“Agreed,” Dante said, the look of concern on his face heightened. “I suggest you come home, brother. The ship doesn’t need your oversight and the diamond transfer can be handled by the soldiers on board guarding them. That’s why we hire competent people.”

He was right. The ploy to get me to Alaska had worked. But why? That was the question that needed answering before I felt comfortable leaving. And in truth, I wasn’t going to be alone.

“I have a couple things to do first but you’re right,” I told him.

While Dante exhaled, he remained quiet. I was certain my phone would be ringing soon enough.

The knock on the door was unanticipated. When Ivan walked in, he glanced at the computer screen before saying anything. “You have a visitor.”

“Let me guess, Ivan. Sheriff Rose.”

“How did you know?” My lieutenant grinned.

“Take her to my stateroom.”

“You got it.”

After he closed the door, I returned my attention to the screens. “I need to go. Let me know if any of you hear anything. I’ll do the same. Whatever they are doing, I have a bad feeling it’s not as personal as one might think.”
