Page 81 of The Devil is a Dom

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As the spindly little officer led me inside, the sheer destruction robbed me of my very breath. Everything had been trashed. My television had a fucking chair leg through it. The window in my kitchen had been busted. Food had been tossed from the fridge onto the floor and my countertops were covered in flour and sugar. It didn’t take a genius to know that whoever the fuck had broken in was looking for something.

However, as I inched around my apartment, something struck me as odd.

“So?” the officer asked. “Anything taken?”

I furrowed my brow as I turned to face the skinny little boy. “No.”

He blinked. “No?”

I shook my head mindlessly. “It’s so weird, but… no. Nothing of any importance has been taken. My jewelry is here. The safe in my closet hasn’t been touched. They could’ve taken the television for money, and yet they destroyed it?”

The officer, whose nametag boasted of the name “Minor,” scribbled frantically on his notepad. “All right, I’ll let my boss know. He’s gonna think that’s interesting.”

“I don’t blame him for that.”

“In the meantime, we have crime scene photographers who are going to be taking pictures for a while. We can get you copies of those pictures for your renter’s insurance payout, but it’ll take us a while. You got somewhere you can stay for the night?”

Dad. “I do, yes.”

He flipped his notepad closed. “I’d suggest staying there for the evening, then. We’ll be here for a while, and even then, a detective is gonna want to come by, probably.”

“Yeah, yeah. Sounds like a plan.”

“And Miss Rochere?”

My name pulled me out of my trance. “Yes, Officer Minor?”

He tipped his hat to me. “We’ll get this figured out. I’ve got your contact information, so I’ll make sure you stay updated.”

I managed a soft smile. “I appreciate that, thank you.”

The only thing I could take with me was my go-bag, and while it didn’t have much in it, at least it had my laptop and my toiletries. Crime scenes were a safe haven for the first few days, so nothing in my apartment could be touched until further notice. I dragged myself back out into the hallway and stared at my phone. I pulled up my keypad and pressed the number one before dialing out.

And as my father’s phone rang incessantly in my ear, tears flooded my eyes the second he picked up.

“Everything okay, sweetheart?” he asked.

His question caused me to burst into tears. “I’ve been robbed, Daddy. Someone broke—broke—they broke in a-a-a—and—”

“Eden, are you hurt?”

I shook my head and sniffled. “N-N-N—no.”

“Did they take anything?”

I shook my head again. “N-N-N-N—I don’t—no, I don’t think so.”

“Then, come home. Immediately. You can stay with us. I’ll have Mom make up your room. Claudia!”

“What!?” Mom exclaimed.

“Eden’s coming over for a few nights! Is her room ready!?”


I reached down for my go-bag. “I’m coming n-n—now. S-s-s-see you—see you soon.”

“Take some breaths for me, sweetheart. Okay? I don’t want you driving in such an emotional state. I need you safe.”
