Page 27 of Bedroom King

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Two weeks of hot,intense, and passionate sex with Isabella had done wonders for me.

I was thinking more clearly, performing better on the playing field, and even focusing more in class. It was as though I finally understood what sex was supposed to feel like when you’re with someone you’re really into, as opposed to some random person you just met.

At first, I only expected a couple of hookups in between tutoring sessions. Maybe some oral sex on study breaks or bed-shaking, rough sex after a night of hitting the books. Anything to take the edge off of fucking schoolwork.

But there was undeniable, magnetic chemistry between Isabella and me.

Just being in the same room as her pulled at my groin, more so than being around any other woman. And Lord knows I’d been around my fair share. Trying to get through a tutoring session with her was pure torture because all I could think about was the urge to tear her clothes off.

The best part was that nobody else knew what we were doing, although some must have had their suspicions.

After the first night, we never had a study session in my bedroom to keep it on the down-low. It was too risky. So, we found ways to sneak around campus and hook up without getting caught. A quickie in the library stacks. A little too long fuck session in the bathroom of a café. A blowjob behind the bushes in a park.

I’d tried unsuccessfully to have friends with benefits situations with girls over the years, but they never worked out because they always wanted more. But not Isabella. Hell, she didn’t even want to be seen with me on campus. That had slightly bruised my ego at first, but it was worth it for what I got in return: straight A’s in class and wild, unbridled sex in places I’d only dreamt about on campus.

Life was definitely going well for me.

Friday nights meant parties at the Omicron Alpha fraternity house, but the one that night would be super lame.

Aiden walked into our bedroom as I slid out of my bath towel and into a pair of jeans. “Excited about tonight, bro?”

My white button-down shirt was not my style, especially since there were so many damn buttons. “Nope. Why would I get excited about a charity event?”

“Don’t be such a douche. It’s for a good cause.”

Good cause, my ass.

Our landlord was in charge of several charities, strictly for tax purposes, of course. In exchange for a discount on our rent, we had to throw a fundraiser once a month and the cause in question was always some kind of self-serving bullshit. “Whatever. I hate feeling like I have to be on my best behavior at these things.”

“You can not be yourself for one fucking night, Blade. Besides, this really is a good cause. The charity gives tablets to underprivileged kids in Illinois.”

I suppose that was something, certainly more charitable than the previous month’s fundraiser that raised funds for college kids to spend a semester overseas.

“Alright, how do I look?” I questioned as I turned to him.

He clocked his hand over his mouth, trying to conceal a fit of laughter.

“Like you’ve got a stick up your ass. What’s with the tucked-in shirt?”

I ripped the shirt off and exchanged it for a looser-fitting t-shirt. “Alright, this is what I’m wearing. Even if the head of the charity does show up again. If she doesn’t like it, she can kiss my ass.”

Aiden and I both knew that was just a line, though.

The charity event was taking place outside, in our spacious backyard. It was the perfect night for it, too. Not too hot and nowhere near cold. We headed downstairs to help our brothers get set up, and Aiden promptly took advantage of the time we had while carrying stacks of chairs to the yard.

He began to grill me about Isabella. “So, how’s tutoring going with the unattainable Isabella Dayton?”

“Great,” I said with a huff, tightening my grip on the stack of chairs in my arms. “I aced all of my tests and even found time for extra credit in history, which is really going to help boost my grade.”

We passed off the stack of chairs to the sophomores tasked with setting them up.

“It just seems like you’re laying an awful lot of groundwork just to fuck her, bro. There are plenty of other tutors on campus.”

“She’s good at what she does,” I said with a shrug.

Aiden had been riding my ass about getting another tutor, precisely one who would actually fuck me in addition to boosting my grades. Little did he know… I figured that he just figured that he would know if anything was happening between Isabella and me. I was never known to be tight-lipped about my conquests, but I knew I had to keep this one quiet. If word got out, she would be finished with me.
