Page 78 of Hearts A'Blaze

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And if Scarlett gets the building…

Well, Blaze and I will cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, I’m focused on being blindly optimistic.

After the bright later afternoon light, it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust when we walk into the Cantina, but Blaze spots Joyce and Hunter right away and pulls me toward them. It’s not wall-to-wall people yet, but it’s definitely more crowded than it would be on a regular Saturday night. Blaze was probably right to get us here early.

“You made it!” Joyce stands up to give us hugs. She and Hunter already have a pitcher of beer, and Hunter quickly pours us each a glass. “Lucky and Anthony will be here soon.”

“It’s the man of the hour!” Hunter stretches across the table to shake my hand. “Heard you saved the town from burning down again.”

I wave him off with a smile as we slide into the banquet beside them. “We got it under control pretty quickly. The town wasn’t in serious danger.”

“Sounds like it wasn’t in serious danger because you got it under control,” Hunter points out.

Blaze rubs my back. “You’re a hero. Just accept it,” she tells me. “Joyce, any word from Bailey?”

“Just that she and Nikko made it to France and everything’s amazing. I don’t think we’re going to hear much from her until they’re back. Isn’t it crazy to think that between Nikko and Anthony, we’ve got two celebrities in Welkin’s Ridge?”

“Not feeling inadequate at all,” I add.

“I hear that.” Hunter leans across the table and clinks his pint glass to mine.

Blaze elbows me playfully. “You just keep saving lives and property and we’ll consider you perfectly adequate.”

“My goal is to be way better than adequate.” I lean in to give her a quick kiss. Her cheeks flush a very sexy shade of pink.

“Geez, you guys, get a room!” Joyce sounds exasperated, but the way she smiles at Blaze makes me think she approves. “Blaze, how do you feel about the council meeting next week?”

Blaze crosses her fingers. “George Shumaker’s been pushing the spa pretty hard, but otherwise, I think the library’s got a good shot.”

“I sure hope so. Has Walden said anything?”

Blaze shrugs. “He’s been avoiding me, but that’s nothing new. He’s probably been busy with Yufofest stuff. I’m not worried. Thanks to this guy, the library’s got a very good shot.” She gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks again for stepping down.”

I squeeze her knee under the table.

“And what about the fire station?” Hunter looks at me. “What are you going to do about space?”

“We’ve still got that empty lot in the back that we could build into. Once Walden comes up for air, I’m going to see if the town can throw us enough money to buy the lot. If they can do that, it won’t really be that much more to build a new wing than it would be to retrofit the Addison. And if they aren’t willing to cough up the money, we’ll still probably have an easier time raising the money for it than the library would.” I lift my eyebrows suggestively at Blaze. “Maybe we’ll do that pin-up calendar after all.”

“You know I’d buy one.” She gives me a sly smile, and again, I get an image in my mind of whipped cream on a naked Blaze.

I lean in and whisper in her ear, “Anthony and the Mayor better live up to their reputations because I’d really like to take you home right now.”

“You’ll have fun,” she whispers back. “And I am worth the wait.”

Damn, I love her sexy confidence. Please, God, do not let Scarlett get the Addison.

Joyce lifts her glass. “Well, here’s to everyone getting what they want!”

We all clink glasses. I wink at Blaze as I catch her eye, but a thread of worry tugs at me.

I have what I want. The only question now is whether I’ll be able to keep it.

* * *

Once again, the meeting room at the town hall is packed to the gills, and once again, the air conditioning struggles to keep up.

The announcement about the Addison is last on the agenda. I’m in the middle of a 24-hour shift, and I guess I don’t technically have to be here. I want to show my support for Blaze, though, and Mikey was able to cover for me, so I’m seated next to her, listening to the council drone on about how successful YufoFest was, followed by a discussion about drainage in one of the neighborhoods that goes on way longer than any conversation about drainage should, followed by a series of reports from various committees.
