Page 27 of Brutal King

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“And I thought you’d be thanking me. Do you have any idea the shitstorm that would’ve rolled in if you’d actually gone home with that sick fuck?”

Another wave of nausea claws its way up my throat. Just the idea of me, naked, across the internet is enough to make my stomach bottom out. “You didn’t have to kill him,” I whisper-hiss. “You could have just warned me.”

He shoots me an innocent smile. “I didn’t kill him.”

A shade of hope creeps through the darkness. “You didn’t? You mean those eyeballs weren’t real?” Because they sure as sugar looked real to me.

“Oh no, they most definitely were real. I just didn’t kill him. I decided letting him live would be a much better punishment for daring to look at what’s mine.” His expression seems carved into stone, a gorgeous icy mask concealing the monster within.

“I’m not yours!” I hiss.

“Maybe not yet, but soon. Just remember, I’m the only one that can keep you safe.”

My heart stammers out a ragged beat as those piercing irises drill into me.

“When your friend gets off the phone, tell her I will be the one to accompany you home.”

“No.” I glare up at the bossy a-hole. Who does he think he is telling me what to do?

“You will do as I say or your friend will suffer the consequences of your disobedience.”

“Ugh, thank gawd, he’s okay,” Rose mutters, jerking me away from Nico’s penetrating gaze. Her hand curls around mine, and she jerks me off the bench. “Come on, Dante’s sending a car to get us. Aldo will be here in a few minutes.”

Nico’s hand clamps around my upper arm. “I’m afraid not, Rose. I’ll accompany Maisy home.”

Rose’s expression morphs into disbelief, and a sarcastic chuckle tumbles out. She rises to her tiptoes and sears him with a fiery glare. “I don’t think so, asshole. Why would she ever go with you?”

“Only the fact that I’ve brought her home every day since she twisted her ankle.” His gaze narrows on my friend. “This little accident happened under my watch and therefore, I feel responsible.”

Oh, shitzu.

Rose’s eyes dart to mine, a mixture of shock and betrayal streaking across the bright blue. “What?”

“Not every day,” I mutter lamely. “It’s complicated.”

“You’ve been hanging out with Nico Rossi? How is that complicated, Maisy? That’s completely insane. Did you forget what he did to us? What Gemini Corp is doing to King Industries?”

“I know, I’m sorry. It’s not like I wanted this…”

“Is he threatening you?”

My lips thin out into a tight line, and I shake my head. Kind of a lie. I can’t even explain it myself. Despite everything, I feel safe with Nico. Even after the disgusting gift. If he hadn’t intervened, my naked butt would’ve been plastered across the internet.

“Then why are you doing this?”

Nico’s curious gaze lifts to meet mine, and that magnetic attraction zips between us. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt in my life. Am I going to give into it? Heck, no. But do I need to understand it for my own sanity? Yes.

“He won’t hurt me,” I finally mutter.

“How do you know that?”

“Because he’s had every chance to…”

Rose shakes her head, the hurt written across her face worse than a slap. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Did you? With Dante?”

“That’s so not the same,” she cries. “Dante never kidnapped me—” Her mouth slams shut, and I know exactly where her thoughts went. To her best friend, Stella. Dante’s brother, Luca, held her hostage in his penthouse before they fell in love. With one last heart-stabbing look, she spins on her heel and marches across the lawn. “Just be careful,” she calls out over her shoulder before she gets far.
