Page 28 of Brutal King

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I follow her tall, slender form for an agonizing few seconds longer. But she’s too fast and I’m on freaking crutches.

Nico’s body folds around mine without ever laying a finger on me. It’s insane how acutely aware of him I am. His warm breath skates over the shell of my ear as he dips closer. “Smart choice, little fox.”

“Would you really have hurt Rose if I hadn’t agreed to go with you?”

“I suppose it’s a good thing you didn’t have to find out.” He moves beside me and offers his arm. “Let’s go home.”

“I’m only letting you escort me back so that you can clean up your vile present. I dropped the box and the eyeballs tumbled out.”

A deep chuckle vibrates that massive barrel chest hidden beneath the fine suit. “Why am I not surprised?”




Strong fingers wrap around my throat, and crushing pressure squeezes my windpipe. My eyes snap open, and I gasp as all the air is torn from my lungs. I attempt to scream, but my failing organs are only able to squeeze out a faint squeak. A masked man hovers over me, powerful thighs pinning me to the mattress.

Even through the narrow slit, I recognize those pale blue eyes.

They’re the same ones I woke up to every morning for years.

This can’t be happening. Jasper is gone.

My ex-husband would have to be insane to come back here with the police, not to mention, Dante, searching for him.

This has to be a nightmare. My vision grows hazy, every breath becoming more difficult as my attacker’s fingers tighten. I struggle beneath his iron grip, kicking and flailing my legs. This isn’t real. This isn’t real.

I jolt straight up in bed, my heart hammering against my ribs. Sweat slickens my nightie, wild tumbles of hair streaking across my face. Sweeping the auburn locks aside, I scan the familiar surroundings. Darkness blankets my bedroom, and I heave out a haggard breath. I’m safe. It was just a dream.

“Are you all right, little fox?” A deep voice echoes from the corner of my room, and my heart leaps up my throat once again. “I’ll never let him hurt you again. You know that, right?”

A towering figure emerges from the shadows, peeling away from the endless black. Blazing azure eyes lock on mine, the deep hue so different than the one plaguing my sleep.


“What are you doing in my house?” I shriek and tug the comforter up to my chin. Even as I utter the words, heated memories of the last time he was in my bedroom flood my mind.

“I was worried…” he murmurs. His eyes catch mine, and I’m drawn into that mesmerizing gaze. He moves closer, gliding over the old wooden floors like a wraith.

So much for my promise of staying away from him after he dropped me off yesterday. “Why?”

Nico folds his big form onto the corner of my bed, brilliant eyes intent on mine.

“Tell me the truth.” I sit up straighter, forcing courage into my shaking limbs. “What is your deal with me? I just don’t understand it.”

“I don’t quite understand it myself.” For an instant, the arrogant smirk is gone, replaced by something genuine, and alarmingly beautiful. “You know I kept Jasper prisoner for some time… the man is a master manipulator. He’s truly impressive actually. The way he spoke of you, it was mesmerizing. And then when I had the pleasure of meeting you in person—well, you’ve completely captivated me, little fox.”

I snort on a laugh, the completely unladylike sound making me cringe the moment it’s out. Why I even care is beyond me. I shouldn’t give two shitzus what this maniac thinks of me or my embarrassing noises. But I do, which clearly means my months of therapy have been a waste.

“You’re obsessed with me, that’s all it is. It’s sick.”

His gaze drops to the floor for an instant before it pivots back, trapping me once again. “I’ve never experienced anything like it.”

Samesies, buddy. Somehow, I manage to keep that completely inappropriate comment to myself. “Well, you need to get over it. I meant what I said the other day when you sent that little present.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I squeeze my eyes shut. The vivid nightmare still lingers too close, those pale blue irises invading my vision.

“I don’t think I can.” The weight shifts on the mattress, and my eyes snap open. “You’ve done something to me, little fox. You’ve awoken feelings in me I was certain were long dead.”

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