Page 27 of Lovin' on Red

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“Emilio. Looking guilty as usual. Wonder why he’s not at work?”


Hands on hips, Vi stood nearby as Emilio squirted WD-40 on the squeaky door.

The small man swung the door back and forth. Satisfied, he turned to Vi. “I fixed it. Once the oil soaks in, should be no noise.” He wiped his hands on a dirty rag.

“Thanks, Emilio. The massage experience works better when the door doesn’t squeal like a dying rat.” Vi smiled at him. Peeps’ maintenance man notoriously disappeared when needed, however, he’d always been quick to fulfill her small mechanical needs.

When he turned to leave, she asked, “Hey, have you seen Rory this morning?” What was the matter with her? She didn’t need to talk to Rory.

Her inner antenna perked at his shifty look. “Ya, I seen him. At the pancake place holding hands with his girlfriend. Some guys have all the luck.” He shrugged. “This latest one—I seen her around—a real stunner with dark hair, big smile.”

Vi couldn’t find her voice. Paige. An echo of Rory’s voice haunted her. There’s nothing between Paige and me. Suddenly, she found it hard to breathe.

“You need me to find him?” Emil’s smooth suggestion burst into her dismaying thoughts.

“No!” Oops. Too intense. “Ah, no. I don’t need to see him.” She shooed him away with her hands. “Scoot to your next task. And stay out of Rory’s hair.”

Vi entered the massage room and shut the door. Making her way to the linen cabinet, she yanked out fresh sheets. The urge to cry overwhelmed her.

Now late evening, Vi couldn’t justify her procrastination any longer. She’d been driving around with no destination for the last thirty minutes still with no inkling of what to say to Paige. How could the woman act as if there was nothing between her and Rory? Brenna had already texted to find out when Vi would arrive home. She’d tied the question to dinner, but it didn’t fool Vi. They were afraid she would fall into another hole or something equally stupid.

Reluctantly, she navigated the busy holiday traffic on her way to Paige’s. Her hands had tingled early on and increased. Now they throbbed with pain.

Temps were dropping fast. Same as last night when Rory asked her out, and she slammed the door in his face. Regret gnawed at her. What if she’d accepted? A date with Rory sounded like fun. And freedom. And fire. A yearning for more unraveled her resolve. She blinked away tears, forcing herself to remember why she hadn’t wanted to come home. Rory might have asked her out, but he loved Paige. Despite what Rory said, Emilio’s hand-holding info painted a picture Vi couldn’t ignore. Focused on thoughts of Rory, she pulled into the driveway too fast. Shrieking, she stomped on the brakes, stopping inches from the storage shed.

Disaster averted, she left her car and gazed at the silhouette of the Christmas tree in the big window. A warm fire beckoned her chilled body when she opened the front door. Thunder lay on the rug near the fireplace. His ears pricked, and he woofed softly at her entrance. Christmas lights strategically placed around the cozy living area heralded a comfy aura. Welcoming, even.

“Hey, Vi.” Brenna appeared, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. The scent of warm toast wafted into the room with her. “You hungry? We’re making grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.”

Vi sniffed. The cheesy smell unhinged all thoughts of escape. Her gut roared with hunger. By early afternoon, she’d depleted her mandarin orange supply, and a trip to the deli had never happened. Brenna’s earlier text made it clear they were waiting for her. Vi had maxed out on rude behavior, so she trudged into the kitchen, the booted ankle fussing with every step. If she could get through dinner …

At the stove, Paige flipped another grilled cheese sandwich onto a plate with others. She glanced at Vi, then crossed the room, blanketing her in a tight hug. Eyes moist, Vi submitted with the enthusiasm of a paper doll.

Paige released her, then searched her face with warm, friendly eyes. “Let’s chat tonight?”

Grasping for a measure of control, Vi rasped, “After dinner.” Only then did Paige back away.

Through tears, Vi stumbled over, took the plate Brenna handed her and sat. Paige placed a cup of soup next to her plate, along with a bottle of water. Vi stared at her plate, willing the tears to dry up. She sniffed, wiping her nose with a napkin.

Once her housemates sat, they joined hands and Brenna said the blessing. Vi dug in, salivating over the gooey melted cheese. Despite her misgivings about coming home, she felt much improved after eating. Limited conversation suggested they’d all had busy days.

“Hungry much?” Brenna eyed Vi’s empty plate.

Paige laughed. “Did you eat anything besides oranges today?

Mentally, Vi retraced her day. “Does coffee count?”

Brenna looked skyward. “Girl, you’ve got to keep your strength up.”

“Time to chat. Here or in the living room?” The words rivaled the warmth permeating the air, even if Paige’s brows arched with determination.

Did anybody ever tell Paige no? Vi sent a silent plea heavenward.

“I vote living room.” Brenna held up a finger, pointing in said direction.

Her housemates looked at her. Vi lifted a shoulder as if it didn’t matter.
