Page 33 of Lovin' on Red

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He moved closer, but she shook her head. “The dog goes here.” She patted the space between them. “Right now, he’s most familiar with you. If we stick together, he’ll get comfortable with me as well.”

Her “together” reasoning suited him fine. “Cyrus, come.” The dog’s ears pricked, and he moved toward them. Rory pointed. “Lay down.” He praised him when Cyrus did as he requested.

Rory looked at Vi. “He’s heartbroken right now, missing Manny. He needs time to bond with you.”

Vi’s eyes were luminous as she stroked Cyrus’s black fur. “I understand his grief.”


Vi would never again underrate a typical walking experience. The boot grouched, refusing to get on board with her urge to pirouette down the hallway. At least nature aligned with her mood as sunlight streamed through the windows, creating its flickering light dance.

Her mind had refused to accept any sleep last night until she had formed a plan to keep Cyrus. She still found it hard to believe Rory had given her a guard dog to keep her safe.

Nobody had ever cared about her well-being except Daddy.

Brimming with purpose, she rapped on the closed door. “Brenna, it’s me, Vi.”

A muffled voice bade her enter. Vi walked in, unable to hide her grin. Brenna sat in her desk chair, Santa hat tilted to perfection.

A lazy smile stretched across the slender brunette’s face. “Well, look who decided to rise and shine after a late night. Dare I attribute your good humor to the cozy conversation I saw between you and Rory?”

Vi raised her shoulders an inch. She and Rory had talked about Cyrus’s needs for a long time. When they’d finally moved to the living room, the late hour had Vi yawning, but Rory had insisted on a snack and more time to catch up. Honestly, the man oozed charm. They’d eaten leftover pasta salad and chatted for another hour. Or two.

The whole evening remained a pleasant dream she wasn’t ready to wake from. The moment Rory had walked in the door last night, a new vibe pulsed between them—the way they communicated, the level of physical touch. Very different from their previous encounters. Well, yeah, she’d been nervous when he appeared to be escorting her to a bedroom. Later, she realized old fears had gripped her, trying to gain a foothold. She and Rory weren’t destined for a relationship. No way he could get around her past.

She swallowed past the lump in her throat, pressing on with her mission. “Got a question for you. If there’s a reason it won’t work, tell me.”

Curiosity shone in Brenna’s green eyes.

Vi took a deep breath and plunged in. “Big ask. Rory brought me a guard dog, but Paige needs a break from my ongoing menagerie. It is her house, after all. Thunder and the kittens are foster pets. Still, I’d rather re-home them than take them back to the pet adoption center. Do you think your mom would let your brother take the dog and maybe a kitten?”

Brenna’s eyes were thoughtful as she twirled a strand of chestnut hair. “Theodore adores your sad-looking hound. I’ll ask Mom while he’s in school, or she’ll have no peace. And one cat?”

“I have another idea about a home for the rest of them. Thunder loves the cats. If a kitten accompanies him, he might adjust easier to a new home.”

“Ever the soft touch with animals.” Another smile tweaked Brenna’s features. “Are you all right with giving Thunder to Theodore? He’s gotten a lot more responsible …”

“Yes, if your mom’s okay with it. Thunder is a great dog, but I think he’s sensed I’m temporary. He needs his forever home.” A grimace pulled her lips down. “Rory assures me I need Cyrus more.” Out of habit, her fingers reached to smooth her braid. Would accepting Cyrus further complicate things between her and Rory?

Brenna’s brows raised. “Cyrus is an answer to prayer for those of us who love you. Your late-night jaunts have always bothered me.” She scribbled on a sticky note. “I’ll give Mom a call this morning.”

Vi’s breath swooshed out in a huff. Wow. Cyrus thrilled her, but anxiety poked up its fierce little head, demanding access. Shifting away from the negative emotion, Vi pushed on with her plan. “Thanks. I need to talk to Jesse. Is he in?” Vi loathed contributing to the hordes of people tracking in and out of his office.

“Let me check.” Brenna reached for her phone, then thumbed a quick text. “If he’s in, I’m certain he’ll see you.”

Seconds later, she read the return text aloud. “Of course. Come right now.”

“Thanks, Brenna.” As she turned to leave, Brenna hurried around her desk and gave her a quick hug.

“Did you have fun last night?” Brenna’s eyes were hopeful.

Vi’s pulse raced. A shy smile emerged as she remembered the easy way she’d chatted with Rory. “Yes, only it’s not what you’re thinking.”

“What am I thinking, Vi?” Brenna teased.

Vi ignored the innuendo, firmly shutting the door behind her.

Before she took two steps, Jesse stood in his doorway, rubbing a shoulder against the doorjamb. “Hey, Vi. Appreciate the break. Gave me a chance to stretch. Come on in.”
