Page 78 of Lovin' on Red

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“Does Rory know about this?”

“I’m sure he does. I believe it was Rory’s idea. He and his father work together.”

Vi stepped back, willing herself not to run away.

“Miss Summers—” Marvin stopped at the look on her face.

Her spine straightened as if hung on a pole. She strove for an even tone. “You can tell Mr. Spence and Rory.” Her composure slipped a notch. “My land isn’t for sale. Not now. Not ever.” Grasping for one last vestige of control, she gritted out. “Please leave.”

Rory sat in a waiting room at the hospital, hands clasped, forearms on his knees, staring mindlessly at the swirly design on the carpet. The interminable waiting had him on pins and needles. Please save him, God. I’m not ready for Dad to go.

When the EMT vehicle showed up at the office, the men had assessed Dad and started procedures. From the medical terms bouncing back and forth, Rory figured out they were treating Dad for a heart attack. Everything else blurred as Paige held Rory’s hand and Becca sobbed. Then, the EMTs cocooned Dad on a stretcher, hurrying him out the door. Rory gave terse instructions for Paige to cancel his appointments, then he drove to the hospital.

A pair of stylish open-toed heels appeared between his feet. Jolted out of his bleak thoughts, he looked up.

Stella. Why was she here?

He rose, shaking the stiffness out of his legs. “Hey.” The absolute last person he wanted to see. Ever.

“What are you doing here, Rory?” One painted eyebrow arched as if he’d trespassed on her turf.

Rory shrugged off her attitude. She’d always had a chip on her shoulder the size of Denali. “Dad’s here. Emergency.”

Stella’s facial features softened the merest bit, and then the dark eyes he’d once thought so enchanting hardened again. “Oh. Sorry to hear.”

“And you?” A harmless enough question on the surface, but Rory knew the effect it would have. She never wanted anyone to know her business—especially him.

She flapped a badge. “Pharmaceutical rep.”

“Good job.” Rory kept a bland expression. Stella would excel at selling drugs—whether people needed them or not.

Heavy footsteps thumped their way. Rory glanced toward the noise, then placed his phone on the chair. His brother Mark hiked toward him, wearing dirty jeans and a nondescript T-shirt. “Your message didn’t say much. Why’s Dad in the hospital?”

“I heard the EMT guys calling it a heart attack. We were in his office discussing business, and he passed out. Becca called nine-one-one. He’s in surgery now.”

Mark’s face mottled. “Discussing business! What did you say to him?” Fists clenched, he swore under his breath. “This is Mom all over again.” His accusing voice carried to every corner of the room.

The waiting area had fallen completely silent. Adults pretended to look at magazines, but the children stared with open mouths.

Well, why not? Mark resembled an exotic animal with his purple face and long red hair. With matching scent. Stella’s avid curiosity irked Rory even more.

Rory sucked a deep breath, addressing Stella. “Excuse us.” He turned to Mark. “Let’s talk in private?” Without waiting, Rory strode out of the room. No relief came when Mark’s heavy tread followed.

Minutes later, Rory returned to the waiting room, desperate to find his phone. He sighed with relief when he spied it on the chair. His brain was a cloudy mishmash of guilt and fear after the morning’s events. Mark kept insinuating Rory had brought on Dad’s heart attack. Anguish filled Rory at the thought. Dad hadn’t been himself, but Rory hadn’t helped matters when he realized Marvin’s mission. What if Dad didn’t recover?

Buck up, Spence. Don’t go there.

At least his brother had sort of listened as Rory shared what he knew about Dad’s condition. In between growls and accusations, Mark had taken off down the hall without a word. Rory hadn’t a clue where he’d gone.

Rory punched a button on his phone. He loved his family, but his aching heart insisted he seek his tribe—the people with whom he shared a connection beyond flesh and blood.


Vi wandered around the lake, pausing to watch a pair of woodpeckers hammer on a nearby tree. The day had warmed even more, but her hands and feet remained blocks of ice. Her heart had gone completely numb.

She walked past the birds, her mind lost in Rory’s betrayal. He’d played the caring boyfriend so well. When Marvin appeared, she’d naïvely assumed it was a mistake. Then he confirmed Rory’s role. Now she knew why Rory had been so helpful about the remodel. So it would be done on her dime. It still didn’t make sense if he’d planned to buy it all along.

Her head ached, and unshed tears drowned her insides. It became hard to put one foot in front of the other. A rickety picnic table leaned to one side. She’d sit for a while, then return to Paige’s. Sleep sounded wonderful.

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