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As the last of my orgasm subsides, I pull out, collapsing against the couch.

“Are you okay?” I ask, reaching in the dark for her. I feel her hair in my hands and gently sweep it across her shoulder.

“Yes,” she whispers. “Th…thank you.”

For a moment, I'm unable to respond, too overwhelmed by the aftermath of the most intense experience of my life.

I run my fingers through her silky hair, brushing the sweat and loose strands off her face. She's still panting, catching her breath as I am.

"You don’t have to thank me. You’re incredible," I mouth the words against her forehead, feeling the warmth of her skin and the wetness of her hair beneath my fingertips.

"I didn't know it would be like that," she confesses, her voice barely audible, trembling with the intensity of our lovemaking.

I smile to myself, knowing that this moment must have been unimaginable for her. But for me, it was perfection. I lean in and capture her mouth in a tender kiss. I’m just about to ask if she’s up for another round when I hear boisterous cackles outside the door.

It’s my brothers telling me that time’s up.

To my annoyance, Robin steps aside. “I… I better go,” she says, and before I muster up the courage to ask her to stay, I hear the curtains part.


My brothers burst into the room, hooting and hollering.

"Time's up, birthday boy!" Lev shouts. Damien and Ivan come and place their arms around my neck.

“So, how was it?” they ask in unison.

I simply shrug and keep a straight face.

“It was a lap dance. It was how it was meant to be.”

“Well, you were in here for way over the time we paid for. But we covered it,” Mikhail grins.

“So, it was a good lap dance?” Ivan wiggles his eyebrows.

“Was it that long?” I ask, glowering at Ivan. “I must have dozed off.”

“Dozed off, he says,” Mikhail winks, and I chuck a pillow at him.

“You certain nothing else happened?” Damien asks, a quiet resolve in his face. I can see the wheels turning in that brain of his.

“Yup,” I nod severely. “Nothing happened. As I said, it was just a lap dance.”

“Well, in that case, we’re glad you had a good time. Now, let’s keep the celebrations going,” Ivan says, and the boys drag me out of the room.


I plaster on a smile and continue to party with my brothers.

But my mind keeps drifting to Robin. I wonder where she is now, what she's doing, and if she's thinking of me, too.

Ridiculous. I barely know the girl. She was a delightful distraction for an evening, nothing more.

Even so, I can't stop wondering. I can't stop the urge to seek her out, to lose myself in her sweetness again.

Every time we pass one of the private rooms, I try to catch a glimpse. I wonder if she’s with another client, and the thought fills me with anger.

A few shots down, I remember her predicament and use it to cater to my deep desire to see her again. I rush to the bathroom and pull a few thousand dollars from my wallet. I band them together with rubber and then head to the manager.
