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"When we meet, I’ll make sure she doesn't forget who she's dealing with. Chances are, she’ll be on the first flight to Siberia," Damien fires back, but the twinkle in his eye says he is all in—a leopard changing his spots, or at least pretending to.

"Hey, don't scare the girl off before the wedding night," Mikhail jokes, passing around a pint of ice cream.

"Never," Damien retorts, taking the plate. "I’m only joking. She’ll like me for who I am, you know… once I meet her.”

Audrey leans in, her voice low and teasing. "Oh, we'll need proof of her liking you, Damien. Maybe a testimonial at the wedding?"

"Only if Boris sings at the reception," Damien shoots back. Suddenly, all eyes are on me.

"Sing? Me?" I feign shock. "You want the guests to enjoy, not flee."

"Come on, Boris," Sergei eggs on, "a serenade for the bride and groom!"

"Only if you dance, Sergei," I bargain, knowing full well his two left feet are legendary amongst us.

"Deal," he agrees too quickly, clearly plotting some form of revenge for later.

"Ah, look at us," Anoushka says, her smile warm and wide. "A family of wolves dressed in sheep's clothing."

"Speak for yourself. I'm a lamb," Robin pipes up from beside me, her innocent face serious, which sets off another round of laughter.

"Sure, and I'm the Easter Bunny," I tease, ruffling her hair.

Dinner passes in a blur of good-natured ribbing and hearty food. As the evening wears on, the energy never dims. With each jest, each shared story, we weave the fabric of our family tighter. We have so much good to look forward to: a wedding, and a baby. Not necessarily in that order.


