Page 6 of Now In Session

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“Money can’t buy happiness.”

He nods.

This is a place where money means everything. He is trying to prove himself, to gain the trust of Alexander Livell, and to do that, he has to show that he has the same wealth and power.

Alexander strides in looking like a man who’s used to getting what he wants. He surveys the room with a calculating gaze, and then his eyes settle on us. Zane stands, and I follow suit, my heart beating hard.

He crosses the room with confidence, a look of triumph in his eyes. He shakes Zane’s hand, and then turns to me, his dark eyes lingering over my face.

“Willow, I presume?” he says, his voice a low rumble that sends a shiver down my spine.

I nod, too nervous to find my words. Alexander smiles, and then takes the seat across from us. He looks satisfied, like a cat who’s caught his prey, and I’m very aware of the silence that’s fallen between us.

Zane clears his throat. “I’m glad you could make it. You’ve heard some rumors, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to put them to rest.”

Alexander raises an eyebrow. “What sort of rumors?”

“There’s been talk of an offer,” Zane continues. “One that may interest you. I’ve been considering bringing someone into our firm as a partner, and I’d like to make it you.”

Alexander’s expression changes from amusement to something else, something more intense. He stares at Zane for a few moments, and then he leans back in his chair, combining his fingers together.

“So, you want me to work for you?”

“Yes. I think that together, we can make great things happen. You’re an experienced and respected attorney, and I want to give you the opportunity to show what you can do.”

Alexander nods, considering his words. I watch him, my heart beating hard in my chest. This is what Zane wanted all along—to bring Alexander into the fold.

Zane’s foot taps against the floor as he tries to take in the situation before him. Before arriving, he did give me a run down on what the meeting is about and I’m still not sure why it is so imperative that I be here tonight. Maybe for a pretty face? The other partners want him to get Alexander to come to their firm. If only it is that easy.

“So, if I accept the job offer, how long until I get partner?” Alexander says, leaning back in his seat.

See, I don’t like this guy, he is arrogant and has an ego as big as the state of Texas. Why can’t he be more like Mr. Donnelly? Sure, he’s rich as hell, but he is down to earth, and doesn’t flaunt his money unless he must.

“I’m sure you are aware of the process of becoming a partner. You must undergo the same process as everyone else,” Zane continues. “There are people who have been working for us for years and deserved to be promoted too. You must go through the proper motions and earn the same respect as everyone else.”

This is not what Alexander wants to hear, because he scowls. “So, you come to me, wanting me to come to work for your firm, and not even get a better title than my current one? You’ve gotta be fucking high.”

Zane adjusts his tie. “Do you expect special treatment just because you are good at what you do? You don’t even work for our firm yet and already you are demanding the title that so many others have worked countless hours to be considered for?”

“That’s it. You come to me with this bogus ass job offer, and expect me to leave my current firm to do the same job at yours? You are out of your fucking mind.”

Alexander stands up and faces Zane, his face flushed. It looks like he wants to scream, yell, to tell Zane off, but he knows in a place like this, it will only cause a scene. I watch waiting with bated breath for what is going to be happen next.

“Go fuck yourself.”

Zane doesn’t move a muscle and I’m caught in the middle of the drama. The other partners will be angry with this outcome, but Alexander will reach out soon. I have a way at reading people, and he seems like he is ready to get away from his current firm. So, he might push for that partnership, but he will not get it after this outburst, Zane will make sure of that.

We continue to sit in silence, until the waiter returns with our food. The presentation is exquisite, and the smell is divine. We enjoy our meal, but Zane remains preoccupied.

“Don’t let that asshole get to you. The firm deserves better than that display of unprofessionalism.”

His eyes lock on mine. “I’m so embarrassed you had to see that. Maybe bringing you tonight was a bad call.”

I put my hand on his, and jerk it away once he looks at it. “He’s the douchebag, not you. You held your ground and remained professional. It’s more than what I would’ve done if in your shoes and he talked to me that way.”

The way his eyes dance over my body makes me squirm. I’ve been good and cutting back on the amount of daydreaming about him, but fuck, those eyes. Every time he bites his lip, I just want to jump his fucking bones.

He goes back to eating, and I try my best to stop imagining what he looks like underneath that suit. A girl can dream…

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