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“Cheers,” I say, raising my glass once more.

“Cheers,” Felix echoes, and we drink to our unconventional future, hand in hand.



The hotel wakes up around me, bumps in other rooms and voices down the hall.

I stretch my arms above my head and let out a yawn. Today Lily and I will be looking at a house for me to rent during my stay in San Francisco, and I’m surprised at just how much that excites me.

I grin as I recall last night’s events — the laughter, the dancing, and most of all, how sexy Lily looked in that black dress.

Shaking my head, I slide out of bed. I can appreciate Lily’s beauty to the moon and back; there’s nothing wrong with that. I just need to make sure I keep my behavior in check.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, and I eagerly pour myself a cup from the breakfast tray that’s already been delivered by room service. As I take a sip, my mind wanders back to Lily, eyes sparkling under the moonlight.

“Control yourself, Felix.” I shake my head. Enough of this. I need to get ready for the day ahead.

As I dress, my phone buzzes with an incoming call. I glance at the screen and see Enrique’s name flashing across it. He must have gotten my message about the fake marriage plan. Picking up the phone, I brace myself for his reaction.

“Enrique, my friend, how are you?” I ask, trying to sound casual.

“Cut the pleasantries, Felix. What’s this about a fake marriage?”

There’s plenty of skepticism in his voice, but I’m not deterred. I launch into my explanation, detailing how I came up with the idea as a way to escape my family’s expectations and also get Lily what she wants.

“Look, I know it sounds crazy, but it could work.” I pace the room as I talk.

Enrique sighs heavily. “Felix, I don’t know if this is such a good idea. Don’t you think it could backfire?”

“Backfire? How?” I challenge, my grip tightening on the phone.

“Think about it. You’re two high-profile individuals entering into a fake marriage. What if your feelings become real? Or what if someone finds out the truth? This could potentially destroy both your reputations.”

“I appreciate your concern, Enrique, but I’ve thought this through,” I reply, swallowing hard against the lump in my throat. “This is our best shot at finding some semblance of happiness and freedom.”

There’s a long pause before he speaks again. “All right. If you’re sure about this, I’ll support you. But please, be careful.”

“Thanks, Enrique. I promise we’ll be cautious.” I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the next step in our plan. “There’s more… I would like to ask you to do something for me. Can you leak some information about Lily and me? Just enough to get people talking.”

“Seriously?” His voice is strained with disbelief. “I already told you I don’t think this is going to end well. Standing by the sidelines is one thing, but helping you is another.”

“Please, Enrique,” I say, running a hand through my hair. “We need to make this believable if we’re going to pull it off. And the press will believe the leak if it’s coming from you.”

There’s a pause on the other end of the line. Finally, he sighs. “Fine. But remember, I warned you.”

“Thanks, man. I owe you a big one.”

He laughs. “What are friends for?”

“I need to run,” I say, glancing at the time. “I’m looking for a house to rent in San Francisco.”

“You’re really going all out, aren’t you?”

“I have to be convincing.” I grin, even though he can’t see it.

As I hang up the phone, a mix of excitement and trepidation hits me. I know this is risky, but it still feels like our only shot at freedom.
