Page 52 of The Vampire's Mate

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“I won’t. I promise,” I say, my smile widening.

“Do you always get what you want?” he asks, his own lips curving up.

“Usually never,” I say. “But these days, yes. I have everything I’ve ever wanted.”

I nod in his direction, and his smile widens. “As do I, Eden Walsh. As do I.”



Hollywood isn’t as glamorous as I thought it would be. The sidewalks are packed with locals, tourists, and actor impersonators, and I’ve had to skirt around more than a few homeless people sleeping in the shade of the buildings.

Jesse hasn’t released my hand once, and I can’t help but wonder if walking up and down Hollywood Boulevard is the most productive way to reach our goal––finding the witch or witches that are trying to kill the king. Of course, I don’t have any other ideas, and Jesse seems to know what he’s doing, so I keep my doubts to myself.

“I know this probably seems like a waste of time,” he says as if he’s read my mind, “but one of my father’s men caught a whiff of strong magic down here yesterday. He didn’t locate its source, but he said it was powerful enough that it couldn’t have been just some random witch. It was either a group of them together or a coven leader. It’s the strongest lead I have.”

“He didn’t follow the scent to see where or whom it was coming from?” I ask.

“The scent disappeared before he could.”

“How is that possible?” I ask.

“I honestly don’t know,” he answers quietly. “Even a charm spelled to disguise magic would give off its own scent. Tamelen gave one to us so we could familiarize ourselves with it. Every vampire in my father’s employ would know it if they smelled it.”

I pinch my lips together and nod instead of blurting my thoughts. I know the vampires have been working with Tamelen, and Jesse seems to trust her, but what if she’s playing them all? She could’ve put any spell on that charm and lied about it, making them believe it’s what she claimed it was. She could be using a real spell to disguise her own emotions to lead Jesse to believe she’s being honest, and he would never know the difference.

“You’re skeptical,” Jesse says, pulling me to the side of the walkway so we can stop and talk in the shade of the building.

I take a deep breath and nod. “Do you remember how I told you I felt after we left Tamelen’s?”

“You said you don’t trust her. That the gratitude and relief you felt in her presence faded as soon as we left her place.”

“Like she made me feel it,” I say in a low voice. “Jesse, what if she lied about the charm she gave you? What if it was something else completely, and the spell to hide magic actually has no scent at all? She could have spelled me to feel grateful and accepting, and you’d never know.”

“I’d know if she were lying,” he says confidently.

“Not if she has a spell to mask her emotions and another to disguise that magic,” I say.

He stares at me from behind his dark shades for several beats, his face a blank canvas I can’t read. Then he shakes his head.

“If that were true, why wouldn’t all witches use it to mask their presence?” he counters.

“I don’t know,” I say. “Maybe it’s a difficult spell, or its effects are difficult to maintain long-term. I’m new to all this. I know I have a lot to learn. But Jesse, my gut is telling me something is really off about her. About this whole situation. Why would a witch aid vampires in their war against her own kind? What if she planted herself in your camp to help steer you in the wrong direction?”

“She’s been our ally for quite some time. She’s always remained neutral, saying she doesn’t want to fight anymore. She just wants to live in peace.”

“Helping the vampires find witches and identify their spells isn’t the same thing as remaining neutral. She’s actively participating by giving you information and spelled objects. Whether she’s being honest with you or not, she’s picked a side. And if she’s been lying to you, the side she’s picked isn’t yours. And if that’s the case, the witches have an inside man. Someone close enough to know at least some of your movements. Someone who can lead you astray if you get too close.”

His head bobs slightly, and he pulls me into his arms for a tight hug.

“You’re right,” he whispers, kissing my forehead before pulling back to look at my face. “I trust your instincts, and I will be more vigilant when it comes to Tamelen and her motives.”

“I think that’s wise. Even if I’m wrong, and she’s being honest with you, her loyalty is questionable. If she turned on her people to help you, she could just as easily flip back.”

Jesse hugs me again, pressing my cheek against his chest. My arms wrap around his waist, squeezing tightly in a show of support and affection. I want him to know I’m here for him. That I will stand by his side and do whatever I can to help him find the witches responsible for his father’s illness.

Pulling back, he dips his head and presses a firm kiss to my mouth. My lips part, and his tongue brushes against mine. A low growl vibrates from his chest as his grip on me tightens. Desire spikes through me, but I ignore it, biting my lip when he ends the kiss with a groan. He gives me a pained smile and presses his forehead to mine.
