Page 55 of The Vampire's Mate

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Her smile falters like she was hoping I’d run, but she quickly smooths out her expression and crosses her arms over her chest.

“What are your intentions where my brother is concerned?”

“My intentions?” I ask.

“Yes, Eden. Your intentions. What are they?”

“Well,” I say slowly, “I intend to make him as happy as possible for as long as we are together.”

“And how long will that be? You’ll grow old and die like every other human in existence, leaving him brokenhearted…should his heart become involved. Which, honestly, is unlikely. He’s enjoying you now, a new plaything to paw at until it loses its luster and is tossed aside.”

“Wow,” I say, anger blossoming inside me.

“Oh, I didn’t mean any insult,” she says quickly. “I just think you deserve to know the truth.”

“And that’s why you locked us in a soundproof room, so Jesse wouldn’t hear you telling me the truth?”

“Feisty,” she says, licking her lips. “Careful, there. Anger is nearly as irresistible as fear.”

And just like that, my fear is gone. It’s not that I think she can’t hurt me. I’m not stupid. She could tear me apart in a blink. But I know she won’t. Jesse would destroy her. And if she kills me and Jesse dies, her father would most likely cast her out. She’d be shunned, at the very least.

If she’s resorting to petty insults and idle threats, it means she’s the one who’s afraid. But, of what?

I can’t hurt her physically. That much is obvious. But what if my presence in Jesse’s life threatens her, somehow? Perhaps she wants to be his mate. Or she has other aspirations that are being suppressed by my relationship with him.

I don’t know what her goal is here, but I’m not about to give her the satisfaction of besting me.

“Jesse and I love each other, and will continue to love each other until we die. I am not a plaything he can toss away. I’m his mate. And nothing you can do or say will change that. It’s forever.”

“Or until you die,” she grits out, all pretense of civility disappearing.

“Or until I die,” I say flippantly, then cock my head to study her. “Unless, of course, Jesse turns me. Then it will be forever.”

I’m bluffing, but Jasmine obviously can’t sense that if her sharp, involuntary inhale is any indication.

“He’s planning to turn you?” she whispers, her eyes wide with some emotion I can’t decipher.

“That’s none of your business,” I say, stiffening my spine. “Now, if you don’t mind, I need a moment alone.”

I walk forward and open the door, stepping aside to clear a wide path for the nasty little vampire’s exit. She pushes herself upright and floats forward with her nose in the air. And just when I think it’s safe to breathe a sigh of relief, she stops and holds my gaze hostage with those flickering emerald eyes.

“Do not think you can toy with me, human. It may very well be the last thing you––”


She stiffens at the sound of Jesse’s voice, ignoring the way I nearly jump out of my skin, it startles me so badly. A light breeze wafts over me when he suddenly appears before us, his face tight with anger as he gives his sister a deadly stare.

“Oh, relax, Jesse. I was simply jesting with your…mate.”

“Did she invite you into our room?” he asks, ignoring her half-assed attempt to appease his anger.

“She hid in here, waiting behind the closed door,” I offer when Jasmine doesn’t respond.

Jasmine’s gaze flicks to me before moving back to Jesse, and in that split-second glance, I felt all the anger and hatred she holds for me. Well, at least now she’s being honest.

“It won’t happen again, brother,” she says demurely, then slips past him before disappearing in a flash of movement.

“Are you okay?” Jesse asks, his angry visage melting away as concern etches his features.
