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She makes it sound so simple, like it's just another party, not a leap into a world I've only watched from afar.

I sigh, the weight of reality heavy again. "Thanks, but with my family's finances and my dad's injury... I can't chase dreams like I'm sixteen."

When I was younger, financial troubles seemed like minor obstacles. Now, at twenty-five, those dreams feel far away, especially after I gave up law school.

"Being practical," I state firmly. "That's my focus now."

"I get being practical, but there's always a middle ground. Life's too short for just that, Lace."

"Middle ground," I echo, pondering the idea. Then, shifting topics, I ask, "What's a gala like? I've never been to one."

"Expect glamour and glitz.” Talia winks. "But don't worry. I’ll guide you."

"Thanks." I smile, grateful as Grace giggles, searching through clothes. "If they can make me look half as good as this place, Aidan might not even recognize me."

"With or without a gown, he'd notice you," Talia says, then hints. "I've heard he's been happier at work."

"And?" I prompt.

"And... smiling more. A lot," she finishes, grinning.

I shrug, feeling a blush. "Doesn't mean anything."

"Lacey, you can be so clueless about him sometimes."

"It's not clueless. It's complicated," I sigh, as Grace shows us a sparkly dress.

Working with Aidan, who's also my boss, isn’t simple.

Recalling how Aidan looked at me recently, with intense, wanting eyes, I can’t help but wonder.

I can't bring myself to tell Talia that he's been acting differently lately. It's terrifying.

Losing this job isn't an option. Right now, it's all that's keeping my family—and me—from losing everything: my dad's rehab, his chance to return to work, the house we grew up in.

Yet, as I think about being alone with Aidan tonight, my heart races. The thought of his large hands on my skin, his lips on mine... I've fantasized about it more times than I can count, but I always push those thoughts away.

I'm snapping back to reality as Talia hands me a glass of champagne. "Whatever you decide, just remember you deserve all the happiness in the world," she tells me, smiling sincerely.

I toast to her with a soft "Thanks, Talia. I'll remember that," though I know I won't.

Any thoughts of Aidan will be pushed aside for what needs to be done.

Like always.

I clink my glass against Grace's plastic cup, take a deep breath, and try to enjoy the rest of the fitting.

Chapter Thirteen


In the pristine, yet perpetually too-cold conference room of my NYC hotel, I'm suffocating in a tux despite the tailor's promise of a perfect fit.

I take a deep breath, trying to relax as I mentally rehearse my speech for the umpteenth time. It's crucial that I convey the importance of this cause.

Catching my reflection on a polished table, I look every inch the man about to host a gala for turtle conservation. Grace is upstairs getting ready with Lacey, and after our recent phone call, I'm buzzing with excitement to see her dressed as Belle from "Beauty and the Beast." Her enthusiasm could light up the hotel.

I'm eager to see her in her golden gown, but I snap back to reality, focusing on the task at hand: getting through the event without any blunders.
