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Waking up to the sound of rain gently tapping against the bedroom window is oddly soothing, almost luring me back to sleep.

But then, the warmth beside me shifts, and I remember why I'm awake.

Lacey, still deep in sleep in my bed. Her peaceful face makes me smile.

Today's going to be different. I grab my phone and whisper to Jessie, my personal assistant, "Cancel everything for today."

She protests, reminding me of the day's important meetings, but I'm adamant. "Everything, Jessie. We're taking a free Monday." I stop. "Except for maybe one meeting."

Telling her which one I'd like to keep on the schedule, I quietly get out of bed, throw on my running gear, shorts and a hoodie against the rain's chill.

Before heading out, I check on Grace in her room. Seeing her curled up, a faint smile on her lips as she dreams, my heart swells. I kiss her forehead gently, promising myself to make today special for her too.

With barely any sleep, I step out into the fresh morning. The cool air, cleansed by rain, fills me with a sense of renewal. As I run, I replay last night’s memories, each a vivid splash of color against the morning's gray. I plan a day full of joy, laughter, and maybe a little adventure for Grace and Lacey.

Today, the world can wait.

Running through the misty Seattle drizzle, I feel rejuvenated. The city, veiled in fog early in the morning, has its own magic. Each step recharges me, pulling me away from worries about meetings and emails.

Post-run, feeling victorious, I head to Café du Lacey (not its real name, but it might as well be). Lacey claims their chocolate muffins could solve world peace, and I'm starting to believe her.

Just as I'm about to indulge in a chocolate-heavy breakfast, I spot her.

Vanessa Wellington, my financial advisor.

She queues up, and I greet her, keeping my tone cold and business-like. "Vanessa, fancy seeing you here."

She gives me a narrow look, likely recalling our last tense discussion about Lacey. With a clipped tone, she nods. "Aidan. Good to see you."

"Is it? Last time we didn’t exactly part on good terms."

"Ah, right. You had Jessie call to set up this meeting, so I guess you want to talk about the latest headlines."

"You mean the headlines about me and Lacey?"

She crosses her arms, one eyebrow raised. "Exactly. Though it seems you're looking for someone to blame, and you think it's me."

"What do you mean?"

"Don’t pretend, Aidan. I mean the social media buzz about you having an affair with 'the help.' It’s not the image Seattle Storm wants for their team owner. You're upset because I saw it coming and advised you to cut ties with her." She pauses, eyeing me. "Admittedly, that was out of line."

My face heats up, remembering the picture of Lacey and I together on social media. "You knew," I say, more a statement than a question. "About me and Lacey at the Save the Turtles with Ties event, didn’t you?" Suspicions that maybe she leaked it to the press despite my better judgment bubble up.

To my surprise, Vanessa's demeanor softens. "Aidan, I assure you, talking to the press is the last thing I'd do. It’s not my place, nor do I care to meddle in your personal life," she says earnestly, and something in her tone convinces me.

“But you seem pretty satisfied to be right about Lacey,” I push back, still wary.

Her expression shifts—a mix of reluctance and vindication. “I hate that I was,” she admits, pressing her lips together. “I’m sorry things went south between you two.”

My stomach knots. “Went south? What do you mean ‘went south’?”

“I mean you firing her as your nanny,” Vanessa clarifies, giving me a pointed look. “We got the message.”

"Wait..." A cramp tightens in my stomach. "You think I fired her because of our affair?"

"Isn't that what happened?"
