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Ryan breaks the silence, leaning in. "We're still here, Aidan. Doesn't that count for anything?" His voice is gentle, but there's steel beneath it. The kind that won't take no for an answer.

"Of course, it does. But you know the saying about good things..." I trail off.

"Who says that? Negative Nancys?" Marcus interjects, his grin returning before slipping back off his face. "Look, I get it. It's terrifying to have someone and lose them. It feels like everything good is just temporarily yours, and you're always waiting for it to be taken back. But what about the times it doesn't? When things work out and you find what's worth the long haul?"

Ryan nods in agreement. "Exactly. Like us. Yeah, you've been through a lot, and it's totally understandable that you're scared to open up again. We can't replace your family, but we're your chosen family. And yeah, maybe things won't always be perfect or easy, but hell, we were worth taking a chance on. Imagine if you'd stayed closed off and never let us in."

“Well, I'd have an office to myself for once, I know that." Smiling, I stare at them for a long moment, their words sinking in.

Maybe they're right.

I scoff, but I can't deny the small spark of hope that flares in my chest. "You guys are ridiculous."

"Maybe," Ryan admits with a shrug. "But perhaps our stubbornness will stick around long enough to prove you wrong."

Marcus lifts his chin, a hint of a beard visible. And we'll keep showing up until you believe it. Good things can last, man. You just have to be willing to fight for them."

Their cheesy declarations make me roll my eyes, but inside, something shifts.

Their loyalty, their unwavering presence, feels like a soothing salve to my deep wounds.

Tears threaten, and I quickly rub them away.

"Damn, guys," I mutter, clearing my throat. "Don't make me cry in front of you."

Ryan laughs and lobs a crumpled paper at me. "Too late. We've seen your ugly cry."

I chuckle, shaking my head at these fools who've become my closest friends.

Annoying? Often. Irreplaceable? Absolutely.

"So," Marcus leans back, breaking the moment. "What about Lacey? You gonna let her slip away, or what?"

I exhale, feeling cornered. "What can I do? I can't force her to come back."

" can do the thing that we do with your stubborn ass. Be there, if she needs you. Believe it or not, you're also good at that," Ryan says. "I know you're allergic to waiting, but sometimes that's all we can do."

I grumble, knowing they're right. I've been trying to control everything.

Work. Grace's schedule. My relationship with Lacey.

It's time to let go and trust that things will unfold as they should. If Lacey wants to return, I'll be here.

But God help me, not being in the driver's seat is something I'm not used to. It's going to take a lot of patience and self-control--something that, for me, is in short supply.

“You know by telling me to not be in control of something that you might as well be telling an addict to go cold turkey, right?" I say.

Ryan shrugs. "Hey, we're your boys. We're here to support you through the withdrawals. Just don't make it too hard on us."

"I'll try," I promise.

"Enough serious talk," Marcus stands, stretching. "Let's grab a drink. And you can spill on that big charity event you're planning. We know you're up to something big."

Ryan's up in a flash, all smiles. "Now that's more like it!"

I hesitate, then decide to join in. "You're on," I say, grinning back. Heading for the door, I announce, "First round's on me."

Chapter Twenty-Seven
