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"You’re not flaunting a flashy car or designer clothes." She gestures to my simple outfit. "Even at that charity event when we met. You tend to blend in...which actually makes you stand out more."

"Guess I’ll have to wear a tux to our next coffee date, then."

Lacey rolls her eyes but smiles, easing the tension left by Vanessa’s interruption.

Soon, we wrap up our discussion about Grace and wrap up our meeting. As we walk back to Lacey's car, I find myself comparing Vanessa to Lacey. Vanessa thrives in a world where caviar is passé and diamonds are a backup option, fitting perfectly. Lacey, on the other hand, with her thrift store treasures and preference for organic coffee, seems like she belongs to a completely different universe.

Her no-nonsense straightforwardness is surprisingly refreshing.

I shake off these thoughts as we reach Lacey's car.

"Thanks for coming today," I say, stopping.

"No problem," Lacey responds, looking up at me. "I'm looking forward to spending time with... Grace."

"Gracie can't wait to see you too."

"Then, I'll see you tomorrow," she says, sliding into her car.

"See you tomorrow. And Lacey?"

She looks up from the driver's seat. "Yeah?"

"Text me when you get home, okay? Just so I know you're safe."

She seems surprised, blinking quickly, but then nods and shuts her door. I watch her drive away before heading to my own car.

Driving home, my mind keeps wandering back to Lacey's sharp wit and her knack for noticing things I hadn't expressed.

But I redirect my focus to the road. This is merely a business deal.

Nothing more.

Just a two-month deal, and then back to my usual life.

A life that certainly doesn't include a discerning soon-to-be nanny with olive green eyes that seem to see right through me.

Chapter Four


Four hours later, I'm still trying to shake off my interview with Aidan Sullivan. Back in my downtown Seattle studio, I step into a shower that's just a bit too hot, hoping to erase the sensation of Aidan's lingering gaze.

It felt like he was trying to read me, and I couldn't decide if I was flattered or unsettled.

Drying off, I push those thoughts aside. I've got a job to focus on, a father to visit in an hour, and a little girl named Grace I need to win over.

Not that winning Grace over should be hard. She seems sweet, and I'm genuinely excited to meet her.

As I prepare to leave for my dad's physical therapy session, I grab the cold coffee left over from the morning.

But then, my car, dependable just hours before for my interview with Aidan, suddenly won't start.

I groan, trying the ignition again. Nothing.

Sitting in the parking lot, I brush off the nagging thought that this nanny job might be jinxed.

Thankfully, Talia, my best friend, comes to my rescue. Twenty minutes and a couple of frantic calls later, she pulls up, her chestnut brown skin bare and flawless, with jumper cables and a smile.
