Page 149 of One Rich Revenge

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“Causing trouble, Jonah?” Theo grabs my martini before I can react and drains it. A gold band winks from his hand.

“You’re married?” I choke out the words. “I can’t believe that.” Theo is a player, a bon vivant.

His face shutters. “Me neither. Hey, Miles, you going to drink that martini?”

Miles passes it over. “Married to whom?”

“Cat,” Theo says shortly. “Not my choice.”

Lane straightens. “Wait. Cat Peterson? From the wedding?” She looks at Miles. “He knows Cat? She never said anything to me.” She frowns.

“Oh, I know Cat,” Theo says, his voice flat. “I’ve known her all my life. I can’t think of anyone I want to be married to less.” He drains Miles’s drink.

“Cat is nice,” Lane says. “I mean, I know she caused trouble for Miles at the wedding, but I like her. We hang out. She’s a good person. Fucked up family, though.” She points her straw at Theo. “Don’t be mean to her.”

Theo snorts and presses the call button for a server. “Me, be mean to Cat?” He shakes his head, his too-long hair falling in his face. “I’m going to ignore her and hope this year passes as quickly as possible.”

“A winning strategy,” Miles says.

“Shut it,” Theo says without heat. He’s the easy-going one of the three of us.

“How was Australia? Get any good photos?” Lane asks.

“Loads.” Theo grins, his good humor already restored. That’s why he’s the only one we trust to do overseas expansion. He can put anyone at ease and he never gets mad. “I’ll show you. I might not be a pro, but you don’t need to be when animals will scamper right up to you.”

“Should we toast to the happy couple?” I ask.

Theo shrugs, looking world-weary and sad, before he straightens and flashes me his ever-present grin. “As long as you’re buying.”

There are sharp edges beneath the surface, and Callie must realize it too, because she gives me a concerned look.

I shake my head. Stay out of it. Theo’s demons are his own.

* * *

As it turns out, newborn babies are really fucking small. Baby Noah is lying on Christine’s chest, and she looks so fucking happy and not scared at all. I’m scared. I’m fucking terrified.

“Are they all this small?” I ask.

Callie laughs, a happy sound that goes straight to my heart.

“He’s actually a big baby,” Christine says with a tired smile. “Eight pounds, four ounces. Pray for my wife’s vagina.” She winks, and I groan while Mia barks a laugh from where she’s lying on the bed.

“I do not need that imagery.”

Christine and Mia smile at each other and then Mia jerks her head at me. “Time to hold the baby.”

“I don’t know—”

“Come on,” Christine cuts in. “It’s easier than it looks.”

“What if I drop him?”

“You won’t drop him,” Christine says airily.

“She’s very cavalier about this.” I frown at Mia. “Are you sure you should be leaving her alone with the baby?”

“Shut up,” Christine grumbles.
