Page 20 of Sweet Collide

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His eyes narrow as he scrutinizes me.

He studies me for a moment longer. I’m sure he’ll turn me away, but to my surprise, he nods. “Are you his appointment?” His voice is unreadable.

“Yes. Sorry, I’m a little early. I was close by.” I can’t tell if he’s buying the shit I’m selling, but I’ve committed, so I’m not giving up.

Why am I so dumb? Why did I think this was a good idea?

Summoning every ounce of courage, I add, “Are you going to let me in?”

I hope I’m selling this.

“Sorry. Yes. He’s expecting you.” The man swipes a key and pushes the door open.

My heart beats so frantically that I think I might pass out. As soon as I’m ushered inside, I take a look around.

“I need you to sign a few papers. Standard protocol for these sorts of things.”

“Okay,” I say, even though I have no idea what’s going on, and before I can ask, I’m being led to a round glass dining table where there are documents laid out.

What the hell did I just get myself involved in?

“Non-disclosure agreement.”

Looking through the papers, it becomes very clear what this is.

I’m meant to be his one-night stand for the evening.

My tongue feels heavy with the truth that I’m not his appointment and shouldn’t be here, but all objections get lodged in my throat as the team’s security leaves and Aiden Slate enters the room.

He looks exactly as he did on the TV, but different from before, back when I knew him.

Just as handsome, but like a fine wine, he’s aged to perfection.

When we were neighbors, I was just a small girl, barely a teen. I knew he was gorgeous, but he was more like a big protective brother to me. One I certainly had a schoolgirl crush on.

Still, he was too old for me, and I was way too young for him to see me as anything but a friend. Now though...there is nothing sisterly about the way I feel when looking at him.

My heart races in my chest, and my cheeks become warm. It’s the way my panties become damp that I know there has always been something special about Aiden Slate. He was the only person I ever felt safe with and now he awakens something inside me I rarely feel.




I thought I was broken.

Apparently not.

I’m not a virgin, but my experience is limited. My pain-stained soul never allowed me to trust, but maybe this could be different.

He could be what I need.

Pushing my lust down for a minute because I need to see why he never came back, I wait for recognition to hit him. For him to look at me and smile, but there is nothing in his gaze. His expression is neutral. Almost bored.

Oh God…He doesn’t recognize me.

Pain radiates through my body, piercing my heart.
