Page 27 of Sweet Collide

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We are two strangers who had a one-night stand. No biggie.

Now, I can go about my life.


I meant nothing to him. Despite that hurtful truth, I let him inside me. I allowed him to consume me in ways I’ve never allowed anyone else. It was a night I’ll never be able to forget.

And the worst part, I didn’t even get what I came for…

No closure happened.

I’m cursed to have Aiden Slate haunt me for the rest of my life.

My heart hammers in my chest as regret rages a war inside me.

Can I just walk away with this memory? Will I even be able to enjoy it knowing it stemmed from a huge lie?

No. It’s fine. It was an omission of truth, but it’s not my fault he forgot me and didn’t realize who I was. That’s on him, right?

As the water courses over my skin, I still can’t shake the feeling, though. The truth weighs heavy on my conscience, threatening to drown me in a sea of guilt.

It is my fault.

All of it.

With trembling hands, I lather my hair, the fragrant shampoo mingling with the steam. While it should relax me, each stroke feels mechanical. I’m going through the motions, attempting to wipe him away.

Nothing works. He’s ingrained in me. Always has been.

That’s the worst part.

Eventually, the water turns cold, snapping me back to the present.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrap a towel around my shivering body. I tiptoe across the cold tile because all I want to do is sneak out of here unseen and try to get my life back in order.

As I dry off, my reflection in the fogged-up mirror seems to echo the internal conflict raging within me.

Do I sneak out? Do I tell him?

I twist the soft cotton material surrounding me as I try to think of what he will say.

Shaking my head to myself, I decide against it.

That ship has already sailed.

We had sex, and there’s no going back…it’s fine.

It has to be.

Hastily, I get dressed, throwing back on my skirt and top that only hours ago were discarded on the floor when Aiden commanded that I strip. My cheeks start to flush at the memory of his dominance, a rush of heat warming my skin, but I push it away. This is not the time and place for that. One day, I’ll cherish those memories of how Aiden Slate made me feel things I’ve never felt before, desire that I’ve never felt before, but that moment won’t be now. No, it will be when I’m back at Emma’s and am able to breathe again.

At this moment, I need to concentrate on the fact that I need to leave this bathroom and this hotel room, if I’m being honest.

There’s no turning back, so I just need to face the music and get out of here unscathed. I check myself in the mirror one final time, determined to end this crazy one-night stand on the highest note possible.

As I step from the bathroom, my heart pounds. My gaze sweeps across the room, searching for any sign of Aiden. And there he is, sitting on the couch.

The first thing I notice is that he’s more casual than before. Donning gray sweats and a black tee, he should look more relaxed, but he doesn’t.
