Page 37 of Sweet Collide

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Can I do this? Continue to lie to him?

Bile rises up my throat, and my stomach clenches tight.

No. I can’t.

I have to leave. Now.

I’m about to run away when the door swings open, and there he is with a towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets dripping down his firm pecs.

Holy. Crap.

“Your jaw’s on the floor, sweetheart.”

I snap my mouth shut, internally berating myself for ogling him so openly.

And what’s with his swagger? He was always confident but never this arrogant.

Do I like it?

Yeah. I do.

But does he really have to be so damn hot? It’s not natural.

I promised myself on the walk over here that there would be no more impure thoughts about Aiden Slate. One minute in, and I’m already failing.

How the hell will I be able to work with this man when I want to jump his bones every time I see him?

Easy, girl.

Get your head in the game.

But instead of listening to my inner ramblings and pulling my gaze away, I find my gaze drop to his lips.

Wrong move, again.

His grin is sinful, and I can’t help but smile back.

“Glad you made the right decision.” His confident voice makes my spine tingle. Okay, it’s something else that tingles, but I refuse to admit that fact.

I clear my throat and swallow. “Who said I made a decision?”

His eyebrow lifts. “Haven’t you?”

I sigh heavily, not wanting to have this conversation at the door. “Can I come in?” If anyone were to walk by and see me, they’d tell me to get a room with the way I’m staring at him. I need out of this hall.

He steps aside, motioning me in. Last night, I was too nervous to really take in the suite, but now, with my nerves taking a back seat to my libido, I can. Well, that is once I turn my attention away from the chiseled chest causing my heart to race.

Not only is it beautiful in here, but Lord, it’s clean.

The place is immaculate, not that I expected anything different. When you crave control, it’s in all things.

“I wanted to discuss the terms,” I say, and he leans against the wall. My eyes sweep over the towel, just barely hanging off his hips. “Did you want to get dressed?”

“Not really.”

“Oh…okay,” I stammer, recognizing I need to get this conversation started and get out of here before I make an utter fool of myself.

“The terms, Cassidy.” He smirks. “What is it you want to discuss?”
