Page 53 of Sweet Collide

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Mason comes from the left, trying to cut me off, but I pick, stopping in place and spinning to pivot before he even makes it to me. I easily maneuver around him, skating as quickly as I can toward the goal. When I’m close enough, I stop, take aim, and shoot.

There’s your amateur hour, asshole.

“That’s fucking better, Slate. Hit the showers.”

One by one, my teammates head to the locker room as I continue to glide in circles as I wait for everyone to leave. Once I’m the last one still on the ice, I move to leave as well.

“What’s up his ass today?” Mason says. Apparently, he was waiting for me to be done doing my thing. “We haven’t lost yet. He should be in a better fucking mood.”

I glance toward him. “Doesn’t matter that we won. You know how he is.”

He sighs. “I need a goddamn beer.”

Before I step off the ice, I glance up into the stands where Cassidy sat during practice. People aren’t typically allowed in the rink during practice, but Mike negotiated things with Coach, and she’s allowed. There was pissing and moaning from some of the other guys, but they don’t draw in the crowds like I do.

We start to walk, and as we do, we bump into Hudson, who’s leaning against the wall in the hallway.

“You two coming tonight? We’re grabbing drinks at Matteo’s,” he asks.

I lift my brow. “Really think you should be going out before our game tomorrow?”

“Worked well for us last time. You, of all people, shouldn’t want to mess with a thing that seems to be working.”

His comment gives me pause. I’m surprised he’s referencing my “superstitions,” although we both know it’s more than that. It’s a low blow because now that he’s mentioned it, I have no choice but to stop by.

“If we get finished with dinner early enough.” My jaw feels tight. Despite my words, I know I’ll show up.

“Don’t do that, man. You get a girlfriend and ditch your bro? What’s that saying…bros before—”

“I know you’re not about to call my girl anything but Cassidy…” I let the threat hang in the air.

He frowns. “You know I’m not that guy.”

And he’s right. I do. That’s why he’s one of my closest friends. The one who knows the most about me and my past.

I pat him on the back. “I’ll try to make it.”

He nods, heading toward the shared locker room. I follow him in but veer toward my private spot. I quickly make my way through, counting my pads and placing them in my bag. Once all the guys have filed out, Cassidy appears.

“Mike gave me the tour while you were warming up.”

I need to give Mike a damn raise. He didn’t need to do that. I could’ve gotten someone else to do it.

“What do you need help with?” she asks, ready to jump to work.

“Actually, I’m done here. Let me do my stuff, and then we can head to dinner. Are you good with that?”

She looks down at her outfit. “I’m good with it if you think this works.”

I skim down her blush-colored sweater that hangs slightly off one shoulder, down to the tight skinny jeans that end right above a pair of beige ankle boots.

She looks fucking amazing.

“You look great. We’ll keep it casual tonight.”

Her cheeks flush, and a small smile graces her lips.

“Sounds good.”
